Buyer Beware! Green Brothers Hydroponics = SNITCHES!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the heads up. I usually dont buy off ebay anyway, but I damn sure won't be buying anything from these fools.


Well-Known Member
Realistically your name would be put on a list for cops to keep eye on to see if its true thats all... prob wont get raided but you never know. Its complete douche bag thing to do of the seller. Your 100% not in the wrong if you emailed them with the issue and then left feedback. You always always call the seller when issue to resolve and see how they act.

Btw theres no way in hell you can sue anyone in the sitaution... someone posted feedback saying your a weed grower. You could alwasy delete your account an make it go away. Your choice to leave it there. Contact ebay an explain situation an they can remove it...

years ago i was arrested with small amount of weed in one bag and my rent money. They arrested me on felony charges, yada yada. Court went by and the felony charges were dismissed ect. Whole thing was bunch of crap. Well turns out that they arrested 14 other people in same 2 weeks time. Local news put all our names in paper and interviews from our homes with our parents on it twisting words around and stopping video mid sentances.(wasnt interview but news knocked on door while recording). Its still to this day online with all our names in it saying we sold weed to local schools. Idk if others on the list did that but i sure as hell didnt. It was a possession charge at the most and my money shouldnt have been taken. Wheres my justice in all that. Not sure if anyone knows how small rhode island is but EVERYONE knows EVERYONE. How do you get job when you put name onto app and they see your name in the paper saying you sold drugs to there kids? Somehow no lawsuit there. Doubt you get one for some nobody whos at home selling broken shit.
If these douches want to hate on MJ growers let them go ahead. Let's see how many light kits they sell to indoor tomato garners. While all hydro supply stores may not support or even agree with our way of life they are smart enough to realize it is what keeps there doors open, so they send our shit in plain boxes.


Well-Known Member
Not tryna sound like a hater or nothing but this thread should be closed,since the seller isn't really a company and most of us would probably never buy anything from them regardless of this thread.If i create an ebay account to sell my extra 600w hps system and call it hotshothydro and i don't send it in a plain brown box,i would get a thread wrote about me but since i'm not a store or whole seller it wouldn't matter.It just seems kinda redundant to make a post about discretion and you put out your info in a public forum now even more people know you bought what you bought,and since you mentioned that you are a MJ grower what is gonna stop some FED from using your ebay account to get your home info.To put it simply even you don't know discretion,cause even i know who you are now.


Well-Known Member
You think the police care if you buy a hood? They cant come bust you simply cause you bought a hood. I agree, they should have been more discreet, but you blasted them first, so i dont think they were totally wrong.....


Well-Known Member
Ebay can be your friend, if you're prepared to risk this kinda sh%t...
Had my last experience like this with ebay over the last week. Account cancelled, and ebay jolly well told to F%$K themselves..I agree with ricky6991 there,.
But thanks OP, helped me make my decision.
Security over Cost; from here on...


Well-Known Member
did they advertize discreat shipping and not do it or did you just think they would and why would they notify the police you bought a light, that does not peg you as a marijuana grower people buy lights all the time I own several greenhouses nd in the winter we use a light and we do not grow marijuana
Imma blame this one on you,you have 329 ebay feedback score and you're a buyer,but you bought from a seller with only a 7 feedback score 8 including yours.
I wouldn't expect too much from a seller who has only been on ebay for a few months and doesn't really have any items,actually no items or store.
I agree it was a risk to order from a seller with that little feedback, but I don't accept that this situation is my fault. No way I could ever anticipate a chain of events like this.

Also, these guys removed all their items from ebay after I nuked them. They had like 50 things for sale listed before. I googled them and saw that they had a brick and mortar plus website plus youtube vids and figured they were legit.

I'm thinking the reason they pulled everything is b/c if I don't remove/revise my feedback they are going to close down this name and open a new one I suspect. However they would rather have their current name as it matches their website, I'm guessing.
did they advertize discreat shipping and not do it or did you just think they would and why would they notify the police you bought a light, that does not peg you as a marijuana grower people buy lights all the time I own several greenhouses nd in the winter we use a light and we do not grow marijuana
so that I don't have to repeat myself, please see post #4. Thank you.
Btw theres no way in hell you can sue anyone in the sitaution... someone posted feedback saying your a weed grower. You could alwasy delete your account an make it go away. Your choice to leave it there. Contact ebay an explain situation an they can remove it...
Actually what they posted almost certainly meets the legal definition of libel and if I wanted to consult attorneys would probably have a pretty decent case. Since they are a brick and mortar hydro store (not working out of their living room btw) with a shared auto supply store at their advertised address I'm assuming they probably have some assets as well. I'm not at that point yet though and I think that can probably be avoided.

And to hell with deleting my ebay account. I've had that account and my corresponding paypal account with all my bank/credit info attached for 11 years. No way in hell I'm closing down my account b/c some rookie ass ebay account that has been open for less than 30 days says im a marijuana grower in feedback. If it stays up it's a scarlet letter for them. I haven't broken any laws, but they might have. They have more incentive than me to remove it in my opinion.
You think the police care if you buy a hood? They cant come bust you simply cause you bought a hood. I agree, they should have been more discreet, but you blasted them first, so i dont think they were totally wrong.....
I think if somebody makes an anonymous call to the police and makes up some shit about somebody at such and such address is growing a bunch of marijuana it would most definitely result in a knock and talk at the very least. Not that it would be the end of the world as I'm not breaking any laws in my state but of course I would rather avoid the disturbance if possible.

Anyway, they totally deserved negative feedback for sending a grow light indiscreetly, not just for privacy reasons but also security. People steal large items left on porches all the time. How many apple computers would get stolen off door steps if they didn't send their products in plain brown boxes with no advertising? I'm guessing a shitload.

Then there is also the issue of packaging. Lights aren't boxed well enough by the manufacturer to be shipped individually. Boxing them in another, usually plain brown box, increases the chances of the light arriving undamaged ten fold.
Not tryna sound like a hater or nothing but this thread should be closed,since the seller isn't really a company and most of us would probably never buy anything from them regardless of this thread.If i create an ebay account to sell my extra 600w hps system and call it hotshothydro and i don't send it in a plain brown box,i would get a thread wrote about me but since i'm not a store or whole seller it wouldn't matter.It just seems kinda redundant to make a post about discretion and you put out your info in a public forum now even more people know you bought what you bought,and since you mentioned that you are a MJ grower what is gonna stop some FED from using your ebay account to get your home info.To put it simply even you don't know discretion,cause even i know who you are now.
You should just unsubscribe to this thread. I think you are in the extreme minority in thinking this thread should be closed. Most people appreciate and want to know this kind of stuff. I know I do. You are also totally ignorant about this seller being some smalltime home seller. The seller has a brick and mortar and a website, registered at BBB, facebook, citysearch etc., as well as, promo vids on youtube. You clearly didn't even read the original post. Who goes around telling ppl their threads should be closed when they didn't even read all of the original post?
To put it simply even you don't know discretion,cause even i know who you are now.
No you don't. You know my ebay user id and my buying history. So what?

I've noticed that every time somebody prefaces a sentence with, "Not tryin to sound like a hater BUT.." It should be a clear sign for me to just stop reading any further.
Ebay can be your friend, if you're prepared to risk this kinda sh%t...
Had my last experience like this with ebay over the last week. Account cancelled, and ebay jolly well told to F%$K themselves..I agree with ricky6991 there,.
But thanks OP, helped me make my decision.
Security over Cost; from here on...
Yeah if you're in England, you have an elevated level of legal concern that I don't have to worry about in an American medical state. However, I still insist on discretion, as I should. So yeah, that is probably a good decision for you to buy local and not on ebay. Glad this thread could be of some use to you!


Well-Known Member
so that I don't have to repeat myself, please see post #4. Thank you.
Post 4 just say that you think hydro shops should automatically ship discreetly that doesn't mean they do unless they say they do if they say they do and didn't then you got a case just because you think they should doesn't mean they do then you sendan ignorant message and receive one back good luck you will go far
Post 4 just say that you think hydro shops should automatically ship discreetly that doesn't mean they do unless they say they do if they say they do and didn't then you got a case just because you think they should doesn't mean they do then you sendan ignorant message and receive one back good luck you will go far
Actually, post 4 said the following, "
  • No offense, but that is a completely ridiculous interpretation and reply to this post. It's standard issue for a mail order hydro shop to ship obvious items discretely. 99% of all shops that stay in business know this. These were some rookie ass unprofessional chumps. Also, what good what sending a privat email have done? The damage was already done by the time there was a problem. It's not the feedback I'm personally worried about. That shit is more of a scarlett letter for them than me. Their threat to snitch was inexcusable and their attitude after I called them out are the major problems as I see it. Oh and by the way they weren't legally obligated to report shit as I didn't state or imply ANYTHING to suggest what I was going to grow with the light THEY DID! But I don't want to argue or cause drama. Not the direction I need this thread to go in. Thanks for your opinion I guess."​



Well-Known Member
Actually, post 4 said the following, "
  • No offense, but that is a completely ridiculous interpretation and reply to this post. It's standard issue for a mail order hydro shop to ship obvious items discretely. 99% of all shops that stay in business know this. These were some rookie ass unprofessional chumps. Also, what good what sending a privat email have done? The damage was already done by the time there was a problem. It's not the feedback I'm personally worried about. That shit is more of a scarlett letter for them than me. Their threat to snitch was inexcusable and their attitude after I called them out are the major problems as I see it. Oh and by the way they weren't legally obligated to report shit as I didn't state or imply ANYTHING to suggest what I was going to grow with the light THEY DID! But I don't want to argue or cause drama. Not the direction I need this thread to go in. Thanks for your opinion I guess."​

and who says its standard issue??? If it doesn't say discrete shipping than it us not

george xxx

Active Member
Well see the thing is it is not illegal to order a grow lamp/hood ext. As soon as you stated your problem to them in public view they were most likely legally obligated to report you. I know it sucks but its them or you. If you had contacted them via private email I bet the response would have been different.
No it's not quite like that. In the world of Sleezebay, the worst thing you can do to a seller is to leave negative feedback. It only takes 2 and a seller can loose discounts that can have a substantial impact on profits. The feedback the seller left for BigGreenBill is childish retalliation. Even a poor seller can loose a couple of hundred $ per month for a year over negative feedback.
No it's not quite like that. In the world of Sleezebay, the worst thing you can do to a seller is to leave negative feedback. It only takes 2 and a seller can loose discounts that can have a substantial impact on profits. The feedback the seller left for BigGreenBill is childish retalliation. Even a poor seller can loose a couple of hundred $ per month for a year over negative feedback.
Correct you are sir. If they had reacted by sending me an apology email offering to partially/fully refund my purchase for the mistake and owned up to the fact that shipping a grow light indiscreetly is messed up - and that they would be sure to change their future shipping practices - I would have agreed to revise my feedback to POSITIVE IMMEDIATELY!

Now look where they are. When I google, "Green Bros Hydro" almost the entire first page is "buyer beware" reviews and threads. Some folks gotta learn the hard way.