Did I Get Ripped Off....?

What I meant was...

Does that mean what's shown here doesn't even remotely appear to look like weed, and I was given stuff that isn't? I'm a HUGE newb to this, all I'm asking for is a little help and I don't want to go smoking this crap if it doesn't even look like weed to people who have been doing this for awhile. The most I've ever seen weed is the blunts I get to smoke.

It would appear to me from the pictures that you have indeed scored yourself some of the Devil's Lettuce. To say it more plainly, it seems your friend sold you some cheeba. Understood?

Now, what some of the other posters were alluding to was the idea that you're gonna want to know how much you are getting (grams) for what you are being charged (money, pokemon cards, sniffs of your sister's worn underpants, etc)... For this part of the equation you should consider investing in a small digital scale available at your local head shop. Now go smoke that nug and report back if it makes you feel like having relations with a jazz musician. :weed:
Where I live an 1/8th goes for $40-$60 depending on quality, so $40 for what you got seems kinda high but it could just be where you live. Ask your friends what they pay.

Smoke that shit :) You got what you were after, even if not of the quality you were after.

In future, use your friends connections :) I've always found it safer to use someone that a friend uses regularly than just finding some random street dealer.

Rabbit food, lol. I wanna be a rabbit on his farm!

Also, I'd go with this, connections are always better, or I recommend, go with the grow! :)
That's what I was told it was. And I'm aware I was suckered pretty bad. It's a whole 2 grams and I got it for $40. =-I

just link him up and tell him the count was chinced...........maybe he just thinks your stupid if u show him your not he will probably never do it again...just let him know your not a noob

for $40 you should atleast be getting 3.5
Hi mate, as I don't know were you are from I will give you what you get in the UK...you should get a 2grs bag for £20 (1.6/1.7 grs is what you really get). as to say what it is! well yes weed it is but to recognize the strain is not always easy, smoking it will give you a better idea if you smoked Kush before...... and I just did with my latest Afghan Kush gorw ;-)
Enjoy your splif mate and if you smoke enough try to to justify the cost invest a bit of dough in a setup and grow your own weed, best feeling in the world when you put time, love and effort into it
it looks like bud.. they have fake bud for sale for people that are on papers but it doesnt work and its actually more dangerous than weed itself.. plus its basically just as expensive as bud so i doubt someones trying to rip you.

just smoke it and i promise you wont be worried about this the next time you buy.