So if A then B correct? According to your premise (The reason why you posted this graph in the first place)all we need to do is tax everyone 100% and we will have economic growth like never before.
Tell me canndo, what is the EXACT percentage of taxes that will encourage wild uninhibited economic growth?? Don't hold back, tell us EXACTLY what the number is please.
You know what good the Laffer curve does? NONE it is NEVER used to figure out the correct amount of tax! you know why? Cuz it is not possible to tell where you currently are on the curve. The Laffer curve is not a formula for anything, it is nothing more than a explanation of policy effects. You cannot use the Laffer curve in any way!And by those who claim lower taxes on the "job creators", a 0 percent tax would create infinite numbers of jobs.
I can't give you that exact figure. I can say that the tax rate of 90 percent on the rich seems to have done quite well for us all.
I am certain that there could be constructed a sort of laffer curve for income tax related to job creation (rather than revenue)
You know what good the Laffer curve does? NONE it is NEVER used to figure out the correct amount of tax! you know why? Cuz it is not possible to tell where you currently are on the curve. The Laffer curve is not a formula for anything, it is nothing more than a explanation of policy effects. You cannot use the Laffer curve in any way!
The Fed has more to do with economic growth than anything government can do with tax rates.
Your very own curve shows that a couple years after Clinton tax increases happened we suffered the worst negative change in GDP on the whole friggin' chart. What would this say to someone who understands Finance? That tax rates don't count for much when it comes to GDP growth, mostly growth comes from demand that is met by production. We have reduced our production by nearly 50% since 1980. I would say GDP growth has more to do with NAFTA and the European Union than tax rates. You ship your production off to another country and eventually that will hurt you.
Your graph is skewed my friend and history is a testament to that fact.
Why would they want that? Its class warfare out there bucky, people like you are so envious of people with a lot more than you and you want government to give you a slice of it. We can't have tax cuts on the rich because you can't cut taxes on the poor below nothing, in fact the EIC was developed to GIVE people a transfer payment from the rich to the poor, but it doesn't really work that way. Instead they just borrow the money (Deficit spend) and the poor pay for it all anyway because they can't afford to invest much because they have to eat and have a place to hang their hat all the while the more we borrow the more they print and the more inflation there is.even romney has admitted trickle down does not trickle down, because if it worked like that, the 47% would be cuckoo for cocoa puffs about tax breaks for the rich.
i had no idea about this desire of mine.Its class warfare out there bucky, people like you are so envious of people with a lot more than you and you want government to give you a slice of it.
Now, would you like to explain your own graph canndo?Your graph is skewed my friend and history is a testament to that fact.
It shows economic growth during the Clinton era, are you aware Clinton cut taxes on businesses and investments?
You're full of shit, dude. Londonfog said the EIC was done out of kindness, so if you get one, "you're fucking welcome!"Why would they want that? Its class warfare out there bucky, people like you are so envious of people with a lot more than you and you want government to give you a slice of it. We can't have tax cuts on the rich because you can't cut taxes on the poor below nothing, in fact the EIC was developed to GIVE people a transfer payment from the rich to the poor, but it doesn't really work that way. Instead they just borrow the money (Deficit spend) and the poor pay for it all anyway because they can't afford to invest much because they have to eat and have a place to hang their hat all the while the more we borrow the more they print and the more inflation there is.
show me on the graph where the bad man touched you?
Now, would you like to explain your own graph canndo?
What's the matter, can't refute the fact Bill Clinton CUT taxes on businesses and investments, you know, for those wealthy investors! LOLI figured it was pretty self evident - which is why I try to use graphs as much as possible. The graph shows that cutting taxes does not spur economic growth.
What's the matter, can't refute the fact Bill Clinton CUT taxes on businesses and investments, you know, for those wealthy investors! LOL
Kind of stuck your foot in your mouth with your own graph, didn't ya! LMAO