Romney supporter vs. Paul supporter


Well-Known Member
Agreed 100%... a vote for "the lessor of two evils" is still a vote for evil. I'm voting for Gary Johnson in 2012, in the hope that enough other people will do this and in 2016, the the 2 mainstream parties may be forced to consider that they must listen to all viewpoints (including anti-marijuana prohibition citizens) or else risk losing votes to a third party.
Admirable, but it simply won't happen.

People will either vote red or blue, the green party is tiny in comparison.

People, like that lady in the OP, vote based on feelings and emotional responses, their party relies on fear tactics to scare them into submission. Anytime you see anyone from the GOP speak it's always "they sky is falling!" rhetoric. As you can see, it's working fanfuckingtasticly.

Fear is quite the motivator.


Well-Known Member
Although I'm not a RP supporter, this guy knows his shit and I commend him for it. Too bad that lady was an absolute dumb fuck who wouldn't budge past her blind ignorant ass views. Where's beenthere or NoDrama to comment negatively about the video?
Why would I comment negatively? The dumb bitch got her ass handed to her.

You have some reason to believe I am a republican other than I don't necessarily agree with you on everything? Are you sure that doesn't just make me a racist?


Well-Known Member
Why would I comment negatively? The dumb bitch got her ass handed to her.

You have some reason to believe I am a republican other than I don't necessarily agree with you on everything? Are you sure that doesn't just make me a racist?
Definitely socialist.


Well-Known Member
That dude really impressed me, calm demeanor, even after the woman started using a stronger tone, knowledgeable, to the point of stating sections in the Constitution (I couldn't), and persistent. That lady's only hope was for him to stop talking. She had absolutely nothing to come back with but talking points.

I hope she sees this and learns something (she won't).

Imo, Americans like that should not have the right to vote (but they always will because that's how people like Obama and Romney get into office).

Voting should be an earned privilege, you should have to pass some sort of competency test first.
They will be the ones who take the privilege away form everyone.