Romney supporter vs. Paul supporter


Well-Known Member
Although I'm not a RP supporter, this guy knows his shit and I commend him for it. Too bad that lady was an absolute dumb fuck who wouldn't budge past her blind ignorant ass views. Where's beenthere or NoDrama to comment negatively about the video?


Well-Known Member
This thread was avoided like the plague by the silly conservatives here. Couldn't even chime in to say "hey he's right" Typical.


Active Member
Can anyone confirm if Ron Paul will be on the ballot or not?
Sorry op for hijack.
Ron Paul will not be on the ballot in any state. He was running as a Republican in the primaries and the Republican Party nominated Mitt Romney as their nominee. If you like Ron Paul's message, you may want to check out Gary Johnson (Libertarian candidate) who WILL be on the ballot in all the states.


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul will not be on the ballot in any state. He was running as a Republican in the primaries and the Republican Party nominated Mitt Romney as their nominee. If you like Ron Paul's message, you may want to check out Gary Johnson (Libertarian candidate) who WILL be on the ballot in all the states.
Ron Paul will never be on the ballot as a Republican. Banks hate that guy.


New Member
Ironic that she is literally wearing blinders and denying that she is...btw I agree with the guy in the Brown shirt, eff Obomney

This is pretty typical Republican Vs Libertarian debate this year.


Well-Known Member
Ironic that she is literally wearing blinders and denying that she is...btw I agree with the guy in the Brown shirt, eff Obomney

This is pretty typical Republican Vs Libertarian debate this year.
Did you happen to miss every instance where he said Mittens is exactly like Obama? He's not lying, voting for the lesser of the two evils is still not helping.


Active Member
Did you happen to miss every instance where he said Mittens is exactly like Obama? He's not lying, voting for the lesser of the two evils is still not helping.
Agreed 100%... a vote for "the lessor of two evils" is still a vote for evil. I'm voting for Gary Johnson in 2012, in the hope that enough other people will do this and in 2016, the the 2 mainstream parties may be forced to consider that they must listen to all viewpoints (including anti-marijuana prohibition citizens) or else risk losing votes to a third party.


New Member
Did you happen to miss every instance where he said Mittens is exactly like Obama? He's not lying, voting for the lesser of the two evils is still not helping.
did you happen to read the post your responding to? Do you know your talking to the resident armchair revolutionary?


Well-Known Member
Agreed 100%... a vote for "the lessor of two evils" is still a vote for evil. I'm voting for Gary Johnson in 2012, in the hope that enough other people will do this and in 2016, the the 2 mainstream parties may be forced to consider that they must listen to all viewpoints (including anti-marijuana prohibition citizens) or else risk losing votes to a third party.
It would happen if people turn off their fucking tv's and think for themselves, but you know. Thinking for yourself is so 1990.

did you happen to read the post your responding to? Do you know your talking to the resident armchair revolutionary?
I see where you said "eff Obomney" Not seeing "eff Mittens"