Living the Florida Life. Kinda.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Been down here a week now. Still have boxes everywhere and only half of the stuff is here and it always seems to be the half that isn't here is what I need.

Just met one of my neighbors. Nice guy, he has to know everything that is going on. I was just thinking he was a busy body then I found out that he was Military Police for 30 years. Says he can smell cigarette smoke from outside of the condo units. I'm standing there thinking, 'well, I hope you don't come knocking on my door' and what happens? You guess it, I light one up and knock, knock, knock. Shit! When I lived in the country you could see people coming up the drive. Now I don't smoke in the morning, afternoon or early evening just incase. What a drag, it's like I'm living with my parents again.

Anyway, a good number of the people down here can't drive. I can't tell you how many people I have seen make a left hand turn from the right hand lane. How they miss oncoming traffic is beyond me.

It's hot. Mid-90's in the daytime and mid-80's humidity. I witnessed a man walking his dog in the evening he was wearing long pants, turtle neck, with a jacket and it's 80 degrees!

The sidewalks are rolled up and put away by 7:30/8 pm. Not used to that. Life is definitely slower.
Hope I can find my fishing pole. It's in one of the boxes, ergh!!! Can't wait to get my fishing license and get out there.
Oh, I have noticed the Latinos around here. Latino? Is that a negative? Anyway if I was 10 years, hell-20 years younger and not married... They are nice to look at.
LOL That made me laugh. Our traffic lights turn off at midnight and start blinking. People are usually indoors by 8pm. Welcome to small town America. :p
Carne, you can hear the hurricane shutters start to close just as the sunsets. All it takes is the first one and suddenly you can hear the chorus of shutters closing.
My cats are living for chameleons. For some reason they seem to collect near my front door and at least once a day one of those little things sneak in.

I saw a long black snake today at a plant nursery. It was beautiful and harmless.
Ooooh, thank you for your kindness. The first night here I was bitten up pretty good. The bites had a bright red circle and when I itched them the center of the bite fell off and I have dents where the flesh used to be.

That sounds like the no-see-em's we have around here. Tiny little flying critters that leave scars on your body after they bite you. Nasty little things.
orlando/kissimmee over here. nothing but puerto rican asses crawling and begging for me out here. i'm 22 n been out here 10 yrs and IT IS slower than new york, but orlando at least still operates as a major city due to its population. i enjoy living here because there is a good balance of tranquility with nightlife/city life. it could be much better but if i compared it to lincoln, nebraska, i'd be able to tell which has more fun shit and fine girls to do. lol
lol ya good luck there in florida, i just left there. and your right traffic and people suck there. many old grumpy people but still some nice folk to meet. get in good with your neighbor so you can smoke in peace. maybe hes a smoker too?!?! IMO everyones a smoker we just dont know it lol. good luck in the dirty south!
lol ya good luck there in florida, i just left there. and your right traffic and people suck there.

hell part of florida do ya live to be saying this shit. i mean where i live people suck at driving too but not because they're old(typical florida reason) but because they do typical bad driver things like text, not use signals, etc. etc. young people i mean.
what brought you down there?
Husband has a bad ticker (well not as bad as we thought but here we are). I like it, it is just different than I'm used to. Like the lawns - they call it grass, but I'm not really sure what it is? Why do people wear socks with flipflops?
Welcome neighbor. You will love manatee season. Typically November to March.

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