the chitown sourkush thread

Damn pops, seeing that actually makes me feel super bad for you. You gonna try and harvest all that in how long again? 3 weeks? hope you got some aleve or something for the hand cramps coming your way.:)
Damn pops, seeing that actually makes me feel super bad for you. You gonna try and harvest all that in how long again? 3 weeks? hope you got some aleve or something for the hand cramps coming your way.:)
haha yep that's the truth brotha. while others might have more bud than me I really try to process mine like a scientist, I don't like any buds to get dirt (even though I'm an outdoor grower I still believe the bud can be clean as fuck...) luckilly with experience it gets easier to handle all that bud all at once, i've figured out many methods of handling it all. and this year I'm gonna be a LOT more focused on getting it all done in the beginning unlike years past... so I'm pretty stoked.
and luckilly some plants will finish before others... but yeah it's looking like 80% of the garden is gonna finish all at once... I'm preparing mentally as we speak...hehe.
sour kush, unclimatized, last year on the 20th of september
sour kush, 1st generation climatized, this year on the 12th of september:
as you can see, it is over 2 weeks ahead. PROOF of climatization right before your eyes.
new photos yo 9/18/2012 Desert Valley Kush: cheesequake cheesequake plant 2 Lush1 Lush2 Tahoe OG KUSH PRE98 BUBBA KUSH X TAHOE OG SOUR KUSH bubba pheno 1 SOUR KUSH bubba pheno 2 ( I honestly can't pick between any of the bubba phenos, they all look/smell amazing to me.) SOUR KUSH huge DIESEL pheno SOUR KUSH, BUBBA PHENO 3(this one is the MOST remeniscent of the green bubba epic creeper pheno I had the first year I grew sk, I compared pics when it was in early veg and marked it special, it turned out to match in smell and bud growth as well!!! call me stoked) the creeper bubba pheno wasn't as crystally as the other phenos, the smell was truly unique, that's why this last one is truly special to me, but I'm sure the other 2 bubba phenos will show me whats up as well ;)
Definitely doing the Ganja Gods proud !
hell yeah bro. here's a couple pics of an extra lush I have out back, its a few weeks ahead of the girls in the main garden, much much smaller plant though. hasn't been fed really much of anything, I did give them an oregonism xl treatment though.
i was about to say she looks close. Lush has uique dark red orange-ish hairs when finish. Some pheno's foxtail quite a bit in that generation.
yeah that pheno I pictured is definitely foxtailing. that's cool I really like that red-orangish hairs with the extremely fluffed out calyxes. this strain has some extremely big calyxes, making me think it has seeds haha.
Chi, had a talk. Can u settle it? I asked about your Bubba from BOG, was told nahhh! So can we restart the history right quick?..