Slow Growth Two Month Old Plant


So I Planted This baby in Mid July , And Its Just Not Growing Fast, I Think, But To Be Real Its Some Good Quality Mexican Weed, I Just Decided To Planted Out Of The Nowhere And Let It Do its Job today Makes it Two Months Since I Planted It,I Recentley Put It Inside In A Small Box With 3 Cfl That Are 20 Watts Each. lighting For 8 Hours inside And 5 Hours Out Side For Sunlight. Then Light Schedule Is From 7 am To 8 or 9. Its On MG potting Mix In A 2 Gallon Pot I water It every 3 days or so.. Do Ya Think Its Growing To Slow??? . Heres Some Pic Of It.



Well-Known Member
it maby is growing a little slow kind of hard to tell though because fo the angle it looks healty though when r u going to flower it? i would sugest toping it and tieing it down (lst) since its just the one plant wait atleast 2 weeks after toping to flower


Well-Known Member
lst is deff the way to go if u dont have a lot of light witch u dont tie her down as low as you can get her while her stem is still thin and strechy it will be hard when it starts to thickin up


it maby is growing a little slow kind of hard to tell though because fo the angle it looks healty though when r u going to flower it? i would sugest toping it and tieing it down (lst) since its just the one plant wait atleast 2 weeks after toping to flower
Well Flowering it Dont See That happening yet its To Small About 8 inches High. And Well i Might Tie It Down But Dont Want The Stem To Break, I would Follow That Advice But Like I Said It My First Grow Dont Want To Fucck It All up, So From The images Where do You Suggest I Tie It Down?
Btw Thanks For The Advice


Well-Known Member
so whatchya been doin with it? personally im a topper but give some grow info tell us about your grow and we might could help.... how many nodes you gothow much room ya got how uch light, what soil and feeding??? have you been pulling those lower leaves off or have they been getting yellow and dieing???


the soil is miracle grow potting mix moister control, the strain is just some good quality mexican weed,due to the fact that i now live in mexico due to work , Dam Company. , cant say a specific straing . the bottom leaves the ones that have only 3 i took them off because they turn real yellow and died. has 6 Nodes Wouldve had 10 But The Other Four dies Like 6. Fertilizer Well Just Dont Want To Fertilize it Becuase The Soil contains it already, But here In Mexico They Have This Mixed Manure That i Give It from Time To Time Contains Cow. Sheep,Donkey,Horse manure,And Blood meal Mix, And . the Box That I Have It in is 2 feet high and 4 feet long. 3 lights of 20 watts each (cfls), I Turn The Lights On At 7 Am Get Back At 3 From Work After That I Put it Outside till 8 , Thats The Time It Gets Dark. Then No Light Till Again In The Morning. The Container Hold 2 Gallons Max, i Usto Give It Time Realized Nutes But after that The Bottom Set Of Leaves died. Its Now 2 months old. like I Said im A newbie To growing , Yall Advice Would Help Alot.


Well-Known Member
dude u cant mess it up trust me it wont hurt the plant to top it aand it wont hurt it to tie it down just do it slowly its the only realistic thing to do if you want to pull anything out of that set up and if its already almost at max high space in you grow area you know a plant put into flowering will tripple in size? u have limited virtecal space and limited light you are not going to hurt you plant i will send you 10 chrystal seeds if something happens to your plant from lst or toping


hahaha Might Aswell Just Break The Dam Thing So You Can Send Me Those Seeds. Haha. jk But Im About To Do That Right Now, Um About The Grow room, That Really The only Space I Got Other Then Making One (Im a Good Ass Carpenter) Out Of wood, Whe You Mean Flowering It Can You Specify That, i Thought You Ment Veg It. Butt I Gots Togo Will Post Again Though . Thanks For The Advice Ill Make Sure Il Give Rep

Mr. high

Wats up guys I have a question that I hope u can answer for me. If i planted my seed on regular soil and it already sprouted can i switch it to some miracle growth potting mix ?? Its because im on my 3rd week since it sprouted and i feel like its not growing right because it's bearly growing the second set of real leafs.


i had it in sams choice soil but that soil dint seem to work for it, and ever since i switched it to mg potting mix it has seem to gotten greenier, and has grown alittle faster then before . on the ohter soil it took about a week to fully grow a node but with this less then a week, and from switching it from outside-in . im on a low budget due to the fact i gots to pay bill here in mexico and in dallas texas . and for lights where i live theres really no other alternative due to the fact that they have concerns about using high watt bulbs(light company). i already have now 4 lights of cfls 20 watts each , no lie its been improving but im just afraid it wont harvest soon enough .


mr high. i wouldnt use that soil just yet just use some soil that dont got nutrients in it. from what i know you have to wait till it gets to its 8 set if leaves so you can fertlize it, i might be wrong though, just wait man , also depends on where you have it outside or inside, its too late to have it outside days will get shorter


sticky i did what you said i topped it left a Y shape dont know if its goin to work andd i tied it down heres the results-Photo0233.jpgPhoto0234.jpgyou cant really tell where i tied it down half way on the plant, and i topped it on the last node right? explain

Mr. high

Well I already changed it to miracle grow soil last night dude and this morning it looks alot better than yesterday..when I had it in regular soil it looked all droopy but now it's standing firmly and I might even dare to say that it even looks greener lol


lol yea same with me, but like i said to early for that soil but hey you might be on to something , just try to fertilize nomore just give it its water every 3-4 days when you feel the pot light and the soil crusty . but you should post some pictures see how its doing bro


Well-Known Member
when you flower a plant you switch the light cycle to 12/12 you can 12/12 from seed if you wanted to but as long as it gets 18 or more houres of light it will never grow buds the longer you veg it the more you will yeild when you flower but if you have limited space then u should flower when you plant get 1/3 of the max highth of your room becaue a plant relly goes into over drive getting 2x to 3x more bigger during flowering


Well-Known Member
mr high. i wouldnt use that soil just yet just use some soil that dont got nutrients in it. from what i know you have to wait till it gets to its 8 set if leaves so you can fertlize it, i might be wrong though, just wait man , also depends on where you have it outside or inside, its too late to have it outside days will get shorter
your right on one thing u are not ever supposed to fert for the first 2-3 weeks of the plants life when u do fert u only start off with 1/4 strength nutes and work up from there. mg has to much nutes in it though it its the 3 month or 6 month soil dont use it they will kill your plants trust me they also relase to much Nirogen dureing flowering so it make relly airy buds

Mr. high

Alright guys I'll put some pics up so u can see wat I have going on. ... And this is my 3rd week and i didn't use any ferts until now so hopefully I'll be fine??


Well-Known Member
sticky i did what you said i topped it left a Y shape dont know if its goin to work andd i tied it down heres the results-View attachment 2335017View attachment 2335018you cant really tell where i tied it down half way on the plant, and i topped it on the last node right? explain
looks good to me from what i can see :) now you will basicaly have 2 branches grow out where u toped at i will post a toutorial link about toping. tieing down is super easy toping is pretty easy to it looks like u toped it in the right place to :) post a few more pics if you dont mind a pic of the whole plant and a more hd pic of what u have already toped the only way to learn is to try i would sugesst checking out some totorials on the internet to get a better understanding of how the plant grows and i was being serious about sending you seeds pm me and ill probably still send you some lol