Obama said muslims were a tolerant people!
He claimed if he kissed their ass they would be our buds, hell, Obama was supposed to make the whole world like us. What the fuck happened?
That's delusional you need to get out of rightwing blogs.
Obama said muslims were a tolerant people!
He claimed if he kissed their ass they would be our buds, hell, Obama was supposed to make the whole world like us. What the fuck happened?
You are right beenthere, Obama said Republicans were tolerant - they were going to work with dems and find answers to our problems - what the fuck happened?
Obama said muslims were a tolerant people!
He claimed if he kissed their ass they would be our buds, hell, Obama was supposed to make the whole world like us. What the fuck happened?
thats your solution to every problem, compromise.
you want abortions, republicans want no abortions,
compromise: abortions
you want to ban smoking in bars, republicans and the owners of said bars, and their patrons want no such ban,
compromise: no smoking in bars.
you want to ban leaded fuel, people who own old cars, engineers, scientists, and people with brains dont want to ban leaded fuel
compromise: no leaded fuel, ever
you want to ban "large" soda pop cups, people who LIKE large beverages want no such ban
compromise: no large cups
lets all compromise!
compromise: adverb, to agree with leftists and acquiesce to their irrational demands, or be branded as "partisan" racist homophobe who hates women, drowns puppies and is most likely a meanie.
You are right beenthere, Obama said Republicans were tolerant - they were going to work with dems and find answers to our problems - what the fuck happened?
Does that mean he told 2 lies then.
thats your solution to every problem, compromise.
you want abortions, republicans want no abortions,
compromise: abortions
you want to ban smoking in bars, republicans and the owners of said bars, and their patrons want no such ban,
compromise: no smoking in bars.
you want to ban leaded fuel, people who own old cars, engineers, scientists, and people with brains dont want to ban leaded fuel
compromise: no leaded fuel, ever
you want to ban "large" soda pop cups, people who LIKE large beverages want no such ban
compromise: no large cups
lets all compromise!
compromise: adverb, to agree with leftists and acquiesce to their irrational demands, or be branded as "partisan" racist homophobe who hates women, drowns puppies and is most likely a meanie.
but mohammedanism IS tolerant. they will tolerate anyone provided they submit to the rule by mohammedans, pay the jizya (the tax for not being a mohammedan) and become dhimmis (third class citizens with no rights, and no recourse under mohammedan law save submission), and as long as they arent:
film makers
a female
other than that, yeah, you're golden.
Obama said muslims were a tolerant people!
He claimed if he kissed their ass they would be our buds, hell, Obama was supposed to make the whole world like us. What the fuck happened?
thats your solution to every problem, compromise.
you want abortions, republicans want no abortions,
compromise: abortions
This was settled in Roe v.s. Wade over thirty years ago. Compromise? The trimester regulation and then later the viability regulation ring a bell?
you want to ban smoking in bars, republicans and the owners of said bars, and their patrons want no such ban,
compromise: no smoking in bars.
Really? After all the scientific studies and proof of the harm cigarettes do, you're going to defend smoking in public?
you want to ban leaded fuel, people who own old cars, engineers, scientists, and people with brains dont want to ban leaded fuel
compromise: no leaded fuel, ever
Lead. You know what lead is, don't you? You know how dangerous it is, right? You know what it's doing to the environment and human beings, right?
you want to ban "large" soda pop cups, people who LIKE large beverages want no such ban
compromise: no large cups
Riiiight... because one city's ban affects the entire U.S. AND... it has to be O'Bama's fault!
All of this is Obama's fault. Mittens wouldn't let this happen! He would have bombed them all out of existence ages ago!