KushXoj's pound per plant heavy-weight PPV Grow


Well-Known Member
life goes on... even got a tat

RIP phat. an keem


Well-Known Member
Seems like they're really swelling now, especially the Black Domina, she's really putting out resin now can't even grab the sugar leaves to inspect them without getting sticky fingers ....not that im complaining or anything :D

BD (starting to see a little purple on her)





Well-Known Member
Very impressive use of space bro.

Your plants look fucking great!!!!

Tons of resin on those girls, can't wait to try some....

We gotta have a big sesh in a few months!


Well-Known Member
Oh yea remember those seeds I got out of that romulan from the dispensary ?

Well all but one turned out female ..
It's funny cause the male has a very similar growth pattern / node spacing as the females..

I have a make and female indoors under 400w of cfls I'm gonna collect the pollen from the male and selectively pollinate the Larry ,diesel ,and Domina so I have some nice crosses to run next year maybe indoors during the winter so I can find the good phenos for next year .. since I didn't take clones this time around I figure its better to have seeds with their genetics than losing their genetics all together.


Well-Known Member
thanks !!!
i got the black domina as a clone but i believe sensi seeds is the breeder of it

nope i havent had any bud worm problems *knocks on wood* hopefully it stays that way
Captain jacks bug brew with spinosad seems to be working ..
i ran out a week ago i need to get some more and do another spraying soon tho