I'm not prepared to detail my income sources, but I can give some general suggestions.
Cover your tracks by making very few.
Pay cash for everything you possibly can, up to limits on cash transactions which are reportable to tax authorities.
If you need to buy a car worth more than a couple thou, take out a loan and pay it off- quickly, but regularly. Never anything flash. Find a local car park with about 100 cars. Buy a copy of whatever you find at least 20 of!
Recent model and expensive cars are
not recommended, unless you live in Beverly Hills. Looking a
little poor (but never trashy) is good security. A 10-20 yr old ordinary car is great urban camouflage, but you will be able to afford to keep it in
faaaabulous mechanical condition- important if moving buds anyway. Not so much as dodgy windscreen blades, much less a taillamp out. Nothing to attract attention. Mags, fat tyres, lowered, wings, body kits, tinted, silly neon lights, etc all say "Officer, won't you PLEASE pull me over and have a look under my seats & in the glovebox?"
A clever old friend once bodged up a credible 'pizza delivery' sign for his car windows and used to have an insulated pizza bag he'd carry buds in.

No one questions a 5 minute late night visitor from Luigi's Pizza.
Your driving style should be courteous and on pace with other traffic at or below the speed limit. Stereo
off (unless listening to traffic reports), pull over if you have to use your phone, even if it's still legal to use one while driving in your area.
If you can pay util bills in cash at grocery stores, post ofcs etc. that helps. No 'grey $' through bank accts. Pay 'white $' bills with 'white $' where possible. Leaves tracks, but no one leaves zero. Looks normal.
Don't buy hydro gear on credit cards unless your shop will agree not to use the word 'HYDRO' or 'HYDROPONICS' in the notes that appear on your statements. Some will accommodate you if you ask nicely. Mine gives no obvious clue of the nature of the biz. Anyone looking over my records won't be immediately tipped- security by obscurity isn't the best way, but can help you. Card payments can often be done in cash at post offices, etc. It's best not to use cards if you can avoid it.
And lastly... never order beans to an address where they will be grown! EVER!