Is outdoor... Less then indoor? And why?

I've had seasons where some strains were not effected by anything , yes, and sorry to disagree too, but that perfectly grown outdoor wins IMO haha
u can release natural predators indoors as well... and the good thing about that is they cant just fly away and leave if ur room is sealed. and u shouldnt get bugs indoors if ur room is sealed properly and u take all the necessary precautions, like preventative sprays. this is probably pointless for me to argue this in the outdoor section, ima go start a thread on the indoor section and i guarantee u run into a bunch of people who agree with me.
one of the top producers, not the top... im pretty sure u know which state that is. and just cuz u produce a bunch doesnt mean its good weed. i hope ur not really tryna argue whether we produce better buds in cali than ya'll do in bama. cuz its really not even close.
I dont know whats funnier, your post or your profile pic !
I've had seasons where some strains were not effected by anything , yes, and sorry to disagree too, but that perfectly grown outdoor wins IMO haha

its all good bro i can respect ur opinion because i know its based off personal experience. but all these people who only think the way they do cuz they read what u wrote can kiss my ass.
well bamma boy, I'm from Fl. so I know the territory....why I live in Cali top grow my dank now!! That quote from Jorge saying that outdoor buds aRE USUALLY LESS DENSE HAHAHAHAHAH I got window breaker, drum beater, rock hard nugs so what T-F- EVER
yea crazy im black and most black people i know is ignorant when it comes to weed. So my outdoor is just as good as loud pac grown under water lol
And the only time indoor is better than outdoor is when your dealing with strains that flower longer than 11 weeks , unless you live in a equatorial region,
well bamma boy, I'm from Fl. so I know the territory....why I live in Cali top grow my dank now!! That quote from Jorge saying that outdoor buds aRE USUALLY LESS DENSE HAHAHAHAHAH I got window breaker, drum beater, rock hard nugs so what T-F- EVER
LOL- Thats Whats Up, I jus hope to 1 day have a greenthumb as good as yours i'll settle for a 1/3
well bamma boy, I'm from Fl. so I know the territory....why I live in Cali top grow my dank now!! That quote from Jorge saying that outdoor buds aRE USUALLY LESS DENSE HAHAHAHAHAH I got window breaker, drum beater, rock hard nugs so what T-F- EVER

that wasnt a quote from jorge that was from the website i posted. it didnt say u cant have rock hard nugs outdoors it just said in general indoor nugs are tighter. which if grown with co2 indoors they normally are.
is the price of indoor only higher because of the cost to produce? indoor growing provides an opportunity to constantly provide optimum conditions. 24/7 from clon til chop. no morning dew, cloudy days, wind gusts, dust, bugs, air borne pathogens etc. the sun is a powerful argument for outdoor. but you can put a lot of light inside. and supplement co2 to a level un-achievable outdoors. lot to consider in this argument. growing medium is a constant. organic dirt in or out.
u can release natural predators indoors as well... and the good thing about that is they cant just fly away and leave if ur room is sealed. and u shouldnt get bugs indoors if ur room is sealed properly and u take all the necessary precautions, like preventative sprays. this is probably pointless for me to argue this in the outdoor section, ima go start a thread on the indoor section and i guarantee u run into a bunch of people who agree with me.
well no shit
u can release natural predators indoors as well... and the good thing about that is they cant just fly away and leave if ur room is sealed. and u shouldnt get bugs indoors if ur room is sealed properly and u take all the necessary precautions, like preventative sprays. this is probably pointless for me to argue this in the outdoor section, ima go start a thread on the indoor section and i guarantee u run into a bunch of people who agree with me.

Of course they will agree, it's in the indoor section. Nothing like preaching to the choir.

In the end, what difference does it make? Those that grow outdoor are happy, those that grow indoors are happy. No reason to argue
is the price of indoor only higher because of the cost to produce? indoor growing provides an opportunity to constantly provide optimum conditions. 24/7 from clon til chop. no morning dew, cloudy days, wind gusts, dust, bugs, air borne pathogens etc. the sun is a powerful argument for outdoor. but you can put a lot of light inside. and supplement co2 to a level un-achievable outdoors. lot to consider in this argument. growing medium is a constant. organic dirt in or out.

thank you, thats all i was trying to say. and for the last time i grow outdoors, fuck indoor growing... but the weed sure is good.
is the price of indoor only higher because of the cost to produce? indoor growing provides an opportunity to constantly provide optimum conditions. 24/7 from clon til chop. no morning dew, cloudy days, wind gusts, dust, bugs, air borne pathogens etc. the sun is a powerful argument for outdoor. but you can put a lot of light inside. and supplement co2 to a level un-achievable outdoors. lot to consider in this argument. growing medium is a constant. organic dirt in or out.
That should be the reason but im sure indoor growers have their own reason, but when you think about it, if you do a comparison everything really equals out,, think about it; Lights=Sun Cio2=Fresh Air Fans=Wind so on & so on , the only that you kinda might (but not guaranteed) take outta the equations would be bugs. Thats if your lucky,,,, Maybe i'm jus too high but how do you know far fact, lke really in-depth that all the things that we try to avoid outdoors & indoors except for molfd & rot, what if those things kinda pushes the plant, because in nature there's no BT, Sevins Powder, no spray bottles filled witjh water with jus a couple drops of dish soap. LoL- This sojnds like some shit Julian would tell Corey & Trevor!
IMO I think that the very best pot grown on the planet will be outdoor but on average indoor is better. This is because 90% of the outdoor growers don't grow properly and they just drop seeds and harvest. the vast majority of what I grow is assumed to be indoor because its rock hard, its frosty and its uber stony. If everyone grew outdoor properly then outdoor would have a much better reputation. The only true difference is that outdoor is of a darker color and that's because outdoor receives a full spectrum of light and indoor receives a single spectrum.
but i was going to ask wheezer... when have u ever had a year where all the stars aligned like u said and everythin went perfect? it just doesnt really happen outdoors. ur gonna have to at least spray for caterpillars regardless if nothin else...

I havent sprayed any of my plants since they've gone in to flower and I've even got some in flush >,< BUG ZAPPER for the fucking win.