knnthc outdoor grow


Well-Known Member
Check it out, Most of my plant are faded about now. Does it matter if they are nitro def this late into the season? My kali mist just started budding but I am going to pull the sensi in a week or so. Obviously I am not worried about the ones that are finishing up, but more of my sativas. Should I feed them some nitro?


Well-Known Member
There is a small amount of N in the bloom I use. That's all I give mine even if I get some yellowing.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know how to tell if your plant is seeded? Also white flys and ahpids. Plants are budding and fading as i expected but other then possible seeds and bugs there doing there thing. Ill post pictures soon. Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
Resampled_2012-09-06_14-23-31_215.jpgResampled_2012-09-06_14-24-06_748.jpgResampled_2012-09-06_14-24-16_71.jpgResampled_2012-09-06_14-24-24_507.jpgResampled_2012-09-06_14-24-48_365.jpgResampled_2012-09-06_14-25-18_989.jpgResampled_2012-09-06_14-23-50_629.jpgResampled_2012-09-06_18-13-15_492.jpgResampled_2012-09-06_18-13-49_350.jpglemon_alien_dawg_-_cured_-_02.jpg1) Kali mist 2) berry og 3) berry og 4) super sour og 5)carmelo 5) bluecheese 5-7)Seni star, How much longer do you guys think? Website says 53 days? It has about 5% amber right now 8) my next seed purchase, Some alian genetics!!! :)


Well-Known Member
I need some help from you outdoor growers. My sensi star says its done around the middle of September and that's all cool and stuff but when I look at the buds they don't look done, Half white hair, half brown. Now the problem is that the resin heads are about 60% amber on the leafs right outside of the buds. Is it possible that the resin heads are being burned by the sun or something like that? Shit is stressing me out because I am not trying to have some bunk ass smoke. I will post a picture in a second to help you guys out. Thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
from what i just researched sensi star is about an 7-8 week finsher, your plants started to flip around the begening of Aug. So, I would say wait at least 1 more week before chopping


Well-Known Member
the trichs ambering is probably, beause the top nugs usually fisnish or are more ahead than the bottom nuggs of the plants(always in the sun). What some people will do is harvest all the tops and let everything go another week after to allow the bottoms finish more.

If you only got a week left to harvest, then just make sure your giving them plain water. That's about it m8.


Active Member
Also is there anything I should be doing right now to make sure my plants turn out prime?
I am not a big outdoor expert but I have heard of some local growers who swear by harvesting according to the cycles of the moon. Can't remember the detail's but if you are curious you can google it.

Glad to hear you are already flushing, and one thing I have used with some luck is ice shocking the plant maybe 2-6 hours before harvest, never waited any longer but I suppose there is probably a sweet spot. Cold shocking is flushing with ice water, in theory the shock causes the plant to go hardcore in it's attempt to produce it's only defense which are trichomes. I have done this a few times, and once I hit the sweet spot and one clone did not at all smoke like it's sister's. I need to perform that experiment again except isolate any variables and share my findings with the cannabis community... But cold shocking is an option.

And it doesn't affect the harvest quality but it can effect harvest experience... prepare a chop and a trim playlist. One of my favorites for the list is: [video=youtube;hQlCxE4z3u4][/video]

Hoping for the best bud's brother looking forward to the chop! You should consider an html based countdown timer.

Oh and trichome color is a thing of taste, if I have never grown a strain before I prefer to harvest it in third's and record the resin degradation state (the color and cloudiness) and any other notes that just stand out such as aroma and so forth after the cure. Then when all is said and done you know when the best point to harvest is for the effect you wish to achieve. And purpz has a major point with light focus and bud development so halfing the plant maybe another option to consider.


Well-Known Member
Crazy day, Thanks for your input hippy! I will dry the ice shock. So today I was tripping because it was 105 so I sprayed the lady's down with the hose. One I sprayed my berry og, a top cola fell off. I went to check the bud out and everything look straight until I found a rotted spot.... Turns out I have a little Caterpillar problem! Pissed, So I started to spray with Caterpillar killer and I got to the sensi star. Figured it was better to chop it then let it get infected or spray it with bt. Judging by the plant today was the first day I could have harvested for any decent smoke. Chopped it down and its drying now in my dark garage. I took a sample bud a couple days ago and it was dry enough to smoke today, Just smoked it right after a train wreck bowl and I must say, Its pretty fucking good for not being cured. I am happy af that it was better then my last grow ( which way indoor)... Feels good!