Free Grow Software!

dude I was being sarcastic. This is an awesome piece of software, and to throw out an insinuation like that is, well, insulting... Lx has done us all a huge service by creating this, and im looking forward to seeing the future of HerbIQ.

But if you must see it....

I've been around similar software like this for years. Herb.IQ seems to be one amazing piece of work to say the least. Thank you for creating it!!! Are there any instructions or videos orsuggestions on what to do first if I'm a fairly novice gardener? I have a very decent garden now, have tried and failed due to many complications beyond my control, but I want to produce the best medicinals bar none... and I can see that by using this software properly that I will always have one source to record and analyze every aspect of my garden so that I may improve more smartly... so, any suggestions on where to start first?
I've been around similar software like this for years. Herb.IQ seems to be one amazing piece of work to say the least. Thank you for creating it!!! Are there any instructions or videos orsuggestions on what to do first if I'm a fairly novice gardener? I have a very decent garden now, have tried and failed due to many complications beyond my control, but I want to produce the best medicinals bar none... and I can see that by using this software properly that I will always have one source to record and analyze every aspect of my garden so that I may improve more smartly... so, any suggestions on where to start first?
Thanks! I had some documentation a while ago but it was outdated so I took it down. I'm in the middle of re-working the GUI once I'm done I can write up something new or post a video or something. I should have had a beta out a few weeks ago actually but I've been running into some issues, I'm shooting for this weekend.

Thanks! I had some documentation a while ago but it was outdated so I took it down. I'm in the middle of re-working the GUI once I'm done I can write up something new or post a video or something. I should have had a beta out a few weeks ago actually but I've been running into some issues, I'm shooting for this weekend.


Awesome! I've been familiarizing myself and I love it... it mkes me work a bit more, but that is what I need to be better. Thanks!

damn thats cool. wish i knew how to make shit like that.

Smoke weed every day of your life and you can too! :)
This software has been a lifesaver for me. I've always had the hardest time keeping up with the days in my grow op. Not Anymore!!! I said it when I first DL'd it and i'll say it again now after a couple months. This software alone has made my growing much, much easier, and far more efficient.
Just a thought for the dev team; a cell phone application would be fucking insane. I personally don't grow anywhere near my computer, and writing stuff down to put it on my computer is double handling.

If this was an app for my phone, that'd be incredible.
Just a thought for the dev team; a cell phone application would be fucking insane. I personally don't grow anywhere near my computer, and writing stuff down to put it on my computer is double handling.

If this was an app for my phone, that'd be incredible.

The program has a webserver. You can run and connect to it via your phone... I haven't used it but I've seen others discuss it in this thread.
LX, I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 Linux. If I can help out in any way, please let me know.
And a GREAT BIG Thanks for doing this project. Herb IQ could be the greatest advance in growing since the seedbank.
LX, I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 Linux. If I can help out in any way, please let me know.
And a GREAT BIG Thanks for doing this project. Herb IQ could be the greatest advance in growing since the seedbank.
I do a matter of fact, I have a winform version that "should" run on macos and linux under wine. I tried to load .net on wine but it wasn't having it, not sure if their commercial version supports it any better or not didn't try that. You able to test wine comparability on linux and/or macosx?

Also I FINALLY got the controls I like for the new GUI, I can paste a rough sample of how it works today (FINALLY). Navigation is now done in a tree view and the content has navigation support like a web browser, so you can go back, forward, go through your history, etc. Should help solve a lot of the problems the current version has with entering in a lot of data.

Hi LuciferX

First of all top program bro! Real helps a lot thank you for making it for us +1rep
But i am having a little trouble got most of it dialled in apart from nutrient section.I've put in all nutes in the supplies part and now trying to dial in mix & feed into add nutes. I choose my nutes and put in amount add click on the add but it wont have it says "error check your shit you fucked something up". Got to admit made me laugh to begin with but now i'm stumped its wearing a bit thin.
Any ideas were i'm going wrong?
Hi LuciferX

First of all top program bro! Real helps a lot thank you for making it for us +1rep
But i am having a little trouble got most of it dialled in apart from nutrient section.I've put in all nutes in the supplies part and now trying to dial in mix & feed into add nutes. I choose my nutes and put in amount add click on the add but it wont have it says "error check your shit you fucked something up". Got to admit made me laugh to begin with but now i'm stumped its wearing a bit thin.
Any ideas were i'm going wrong?
Are you using just numbers? Your not adding like gallons/liters or anything else to those fields are you?

wow i was searching something similar
i ve start reading and saw the date.. 2010 something and i say damn.. old things

and what a surprise!
great work guys
Yo LUCIFERX when is the new version for the mac coming out? This really really old one I am using is very caveman like compared to your new versions man. HOOK IT UP with a mac version soon please
I love this program. Many thanks to LuciferX. I'm even able to run it off my dropbox folder so I can access it anywhere