The Irish Growers Thread!

ye man puttin up pictures is playin into there hands.they say a picture tells a thousand words an all that it does but it tells a thousand words ta all the shades and grasses that does b readin this thread.i know if im caught my growin days are over so the biggest chance im gonna take is the odd post on this thread.anyway me plants are flyin along. bit of nute burn on the one i planted in miracle grow but its a little bit taller than the other two.roll on 5 weeks
really easy plants to grow i think and nice n bushy, ill b gettin more ,,
anyone here know were ta get them screens for printin t shirts b handy ta have one for makin the hash.have u any tips on makin hash harrekin?:bigjoint:
Freeze the trim immediately, and spin it 3/4 times. Let it dry thoroughly and when it's dry twist it into strips, don't burn it.

The twisting causes pressure and heat which activates any inactive THC left in the hash.

Oh and don't smoke it in work, for the love of God no!

EDIT: About posting pics from an iPhone, you can remove all the data aside from the image data on your PC before you post it up, it's a crucial.
Freeze the trim immediately, and spin it 3/4 times. Let it dry thoroughly and when it's dry twist it into strips, don't burn it.

The twisting causes pressure and heat which activates any inactive THC left in the hash.

Oh and don't smoke it in work, for the love of God no!

EDIT: About posting pics from an iPhone, you can remove all the data aside from the image data on your PC before you post it up, it's a crucial.
have a computer geek friend who looks after my diagnostic software for reading fault memory on cars and he says the same still dont trust it thou har
it just feels wrong lol
Art and Hobby Shop, I believe they're used to print tshirts or some other shit, but they're just like Bubble Bags of an unknown micron size afaik.
har answered that for me in an earlier post seamus have not gone about it yet but will surly try it before xmas mate
have u tryed makin hash before seamus i loved ev min off process messy wit the bags but results are awsome some great vids on you yube
helped me a lot you will never look back i love hash was sonked out 4 about 3 weeks 1 joint wud do you.. joint like a chimnney fire when smoking
bill empty your inbox....

think the pic`s are a dead issue now, i`m happy to post as are others, some don`t want to thats fine aswell.....;)
have u tryed makin hash before seamus i loved ev min off process messy wit the bags but results are awsome some great vids on you yube
helped me a lot you will never look back i love hash was sonked out 4 about 3 weeks 1 joint wud do you.. joint like a chimnney fire when smoking
havent made hash before trek this my first gonna buy them bubble bags cant wait ta smoke proper weed and hash.i hope i win this raffle billys havin hahahahakiss-ass
havent made hash before trek this my first gonna buy them bubble bags cant wait ta smoke proper weed and hash.i hope i win this raffle billys havin hahahahakiss-ass
you wil be grand seamus i overlooked the hash thing cos i thought ud need loads off mash 4 result but har is right frezze everything straight away
no such thing as waste in this growing crack i defo try bags first then experiment bud
you wil be grand seamus i overlooked the hash thing cos i thought ud need loads off mash 4 result but har is right frezze everything straight away
no such thing as waste in this growing crack i defo try bags first then experiment bud
do ya let the trim dry first or jus put it in the freezer
do ya let the trim dry first or jus put it in the freezer
id be new to it seamus but i froze mine as soon as i cut,only thing was herself did a roast about a week before i span my mash
and id had not closed the frezzer properly few days before and you cud taste the chesse off nearly all the products in there like mixed veg etc
some laugh mate make sure to use zip lock bags she killed me still goin on about it she threw everythin out lol
any one ever ran train wreck from greenhouse lads gonna test it and maybe run um for a new years crop. counting down days
before my yearly seed shop,