desert dude
Well-Known Member
Bucky might like that, but I don't swing that way. Thanks for the offer, two make me want to attempt to shave my own anus and put it on both ur faces while u sleep.
Bucky might like that, but I don't swing that way. Thanks for the offer, two make me want to attempt to shave my own anus and put it on both ur faces while u sleep.
Soon enough, you'll find yourself declaring war on the Union. cnIn the famous words of Lone Watie, I shall endeavor to persevere.
And they will make my horse surrender and pull a wagon in Kansas.Soon enough, you'll find yourself declaring war on the Union. cn
You are apparently Lost In Space or perhaps unable to escape The Twilight ZoneWeren't we all told that teachers chose their career for the love of teaching and the rewards of helping children.
The facts below seem to prove otherwise, so who is looking out for the kids best interest, obviously it sure isn't the teachers or the unions.
Bain capital folk don't care about the thousands they put out of work, after all, its about the money - and that is ok for the right.Weren't we all told that teachers chose their career for the love of teaching and the rewards of helping children.
The facts below seem to prove otherwise, so who is looking out for the kids best interest, obviously it sure isn't the teachers or the unions.
Yeah, long live public unions!
Well this story is about the Chicago teachers and their unions, why don't you practice what you preach and get this story straight and quit trying to avoid it!Bain capital folk don't care about the thousands they put out of work, after all, its about the money - and that is ok for the right.
You folks really should get your story straight.
Well this story is about the Chicago teachers and their unions, why don't you practice what you preach and get this story straight and quit trying to avoid it!
Let's hear your opinions on this topic, canndon't.
No, I didn't take your post out of context, I knew right away what you were attempting to do.You took my post out of context beenthere. I attempted to show the duplicitous nature of the right's worship of the "job creators".
I believe that collective bargaining is a reasonable method of securing decent pay and benifits for anyone willing to assemble to that effect.
socialist dick....these greedy SOB's average $75k a year and that's not enough.
No, I didn't take your post out of context, I knew right away what you were attempting to do.
I asked you to opine on this topic, not generalize on collective bargaining.
And you accuse me of avoidance! LOL
Whats your problem with teachers being payed? 50k is practically minimum wage these days. You suggest paying them less is the solution? I don't get it, your not looking at the problem, which has nothing to do with salary.Weren't we all told that teachers chose their career for the love of teaching and the rewards of helping children.
The facts below seem to prove otherwise, so who is looking out for the kids best interest, obviously it sure isn't the teachers or the unions.
Yeah, long live public unions!
"Chicago teachers already make an average $75,000. That's more than other big city teachers earn, AND much more than Chicago's private school teachers get ($50,000). Because the teachers only work part of the year, they make more per hour than architects, nurses and accountants. When they do work, they don't work long hours. Even though most bring work home, the Bureau of Labor Statistics says the average public school teacher works only 36.5 hours a week.
The Chicago union doesn't want its teachers judged by their students' performance. I understand why. Ninety-three percent of the teachers are rated either "Superior" or Excellent". The kids don't do as well: 80% of eighth graders are "not proficient" in math.
Union teachers know that many of their colleagues aren't great teachers. Only 12% of American students attend private schools, but, 39% of Chicago public school teachers send their children to private schools. Anti school-choice politicians are no less hypocritical: President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Jesse Jackson, Hillary Clinton and Al Gore (to name just a few) all send or sent their children to private schools.
Now thousands of Chicago children are kept out of school. Your supermarkets and movie theaters aren't closed because of strikes. That's because private companies have competition. Government monopolies don't."
except that we not raise the millionaire's tax. that is one demand being held firm right now.Now is not the time to make any demands in this awful economy ..especially since you are the absolute bottom feeder in the entire country at your profession.
what do you mean deprave?? teachers should get paid in peanuts and athletes should make millions for running around on a field.. sounds about right to me..Whats your problem with teachers being payed? 50k is practically minimum wage these days. You suggest paying them less is the solution? I don't get it.