First Grow w/ Northern Lights from Dr atomic LED


Hello all

This is my second ever grow first indoors. I have a Vipar A200 led light in a cabinet that is 18" x 30" x 48" with on female I initially started in the window awhile back now. Initially it was pretty small and scraggly but now it is starting to look goodish I think. So here is a breakdown of what is going on with the cabinet.

4" inline typhoon fan 176cfm (will be buying a speed controller for this to reduce a bit of noise)
Small 5" fan (thinking to sub for 2X quieter 4" to spread out in the cabinet)

Vipar A200

No name potting soil/perlite about 70/30ish
2part nutrient bloom from local hydroponic stores(made by owner) 2-0-2
Nitrogen 20%
Soluble Potash 2.0%
Calcium 2.4%
Iron .0168%

(was fed some organic blood meal I brewed then switched to a simple store bought and was to dumb to ask for organic any problems that I am now using chemicals I have fed once at half strength) 1 tbsb of A and B to 1 gallon of water.)

Blue lab ppm pen (was going to do organic tea but it smells to bad to brew in my current living situation)

Ph Grotek test strip

I have 3 different hygrometer/thermometer sets around the cabinet.

I started the seed back in mid July as an experiment and ended up with all this stuff over the next month or so after tonnes of reading and research. I have been wanting to grow for several years now and finally bit the bullet.

So here is some pics. There has been problems with the lower leaves drying and curling up it looks/feels like. After reading all the plant problem threads I have been unable to truly pin it down to one thing. So far I think its a water problem or something with nitrogen the yellow leaves fell off if anymore fall off I will get better pictures temps have been no lower then 75f usually about 80-85f depending on the ambient which is has been about 75f so far. Tonnes of room for improvment as soon as possible I will be accommodating a bigger cabinet



Again and questions I will answer to the best of my ability.
Comments and concerns etc are all more then welcome.


Well-Known Member
very nice looking stup man you should have a bush going in there in no time! im subbed for sure :D


Well-Known Member
That sure is a nice looking plant! Definitely reminded me to pop some of my northern lights next round for sure !!!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I have a Nirvana NL going now but have heard that the Dr. Atomic is a better strain. Will be watching this and your smoke report as well.


Thanks a lot for checking it out guys! The temps are starting to get hot 90.5f at some point during the day on the thermometer that hangs just above the canopy(I am not sure for how long it was for i just checked the max/min temp option). The problem with the lower leaves I have continued my sure to be endless research and found that it is probably a fairly common CAL-MAG def ((This is pretty easy to notice, green veins but fully yellow leaves. leaf tips can discolour and curl upwards. leaf edges can feel dry and crispy. the necrosis on the leaf will start at the edges, work all the way around the leaf. the tips will twist and turn, then the leaves will fall off without withering. *mag def is common with too acidic pH*)that is copy and pasted from a deficiency thread).

I guess it could also be heat related although the symptoms are not matching really. My ph was closer to 6.0-6.2 the first feed/water (I was measuring the ph of) last water was 6.6 which I will continue to aim for in the future.


I have a Nirvana NL going now but have heard that the Dr. Atomic is a better strain. Will be watching this and your smoke report as well.
Thank for checking it out! About 2 years ago at the freedom festival after I started my research I bought 10 from a vendor there. Having an experienced friend with me I asked for a good beginner seed from their menu. NL was one of them and not having had it since grade 10 (and being one of my all time fav smokes since) I was sold. Thanks for the input about breeders though I apparently have another folder of info to start collecting information on!!!!


So... day 8 of flower update...

So far everything has been coming along nicely I believe the lower leaves are starting to come along a bit better I got Grow-Tek cal-mag and have fed once with it and tried spraying the lower leaves with it (very diluted) a bit it helped I think; also honing in on a good watering schedule has proven very helpful (less water more often if possible is how I have been doing it). Temps have settled down a bit now to about 84 being the max throughout the day which makes it a bit easier to sleep at night. To help with any possible heat/light stress at the canopy I raised to light to about 5 1/2" from the top and hung another small fan to help push all the air to the exhaust port. Other equipment update includes a speed master fan controller to quiet it down a bit when Im sleeping.

For general info I have 15 amps between my two bedrooms minimal amounts of stuff is used in these rooms laptop charger/phone charger kind of thing rarely. My cabinet draws a total of 4.48 amps and thats being generous the timer and controller are rated at 15 amps I should not be concerned at about over powering the wires or circuit or anything Im assuming? My laptop when plugged in is rated at 1.5 amps and is used a couple hours a day only.

Anyways heres some pictures......Oh and I was at a local head shop and got some big bang auto flower seeds (having been wanting to see what the fuss is over auto flowers good or bad) any advice again pic time.


Well-Known Member
Ha, I love seeing the same equipment in other peoples grows. I use that same fan you are running, but under my cabinet canopy, what a great little unit. Anyway keep it up, I love seeing these vigorous time tested strains. Nothing like a good: NL, WW, BB, Cheese, or AK grow. Your plant is a little beast too. I'm sure it is a modernized version, but that makes me even more interested!

Autos can be great, and it's really fun having them in the veg room when I have the extra space. Generally, with autos, the bigger pot you start them in, the more yield you will get, but I personally wouldn't grow them in anything bigger than a 5 gallon. Just a thought, but if it is a big bud cross I could be totally wrong. I've grown, Auto NL, Cheese, and Jacks. Fun times, but nothing to write home about either. Subbed.

Best wishes in your growing endeavors,


Thanks for coming by guys!!
Thanks alot for the compliments and support I am trying to spread the love too!!!
Lol i just got a new fan supposed to be quieter, cheaper to run blah blah blah. It seems to be moving a bit more air, just have to keep an eye on things see how it works out. I had no clue about the auto flowers the big bang is nl x skunk x el nino x ruderalis. maybe I will just toss these in a veg area as you said when I get one going. Looking to relocate specifically to expand to something like a 4x4 area with + a 2x4 for veg or something don't really know yet (no space right now). But the Plans Are in the making. The tent I referred to in the first post I sold it leaked light like a sieve (previous owner had a cat; I believe it was a grow scratch post). After seeing Puffenuffs thread that Strawberry cough looks awesome and same with Alex's Jack. SO Much to think about and so little space to grow it all.. I hate/love life it truly is to short.

For CrazyManny00

So far I am blown away I was so close to just going HPS then I saw the light in the LED forum it was awesome great community of growers and lots of good information to send you to the best yet affordable manufactures out there.+ lots of good results from others as well.

Thanks a lot again Guys Awesome!!! pic update late tn or tomorrow before I go to work got the camera figured out a bit better getting some nicer pics


Hey Everyone

Hows it going things are looking pretty good in the cab still doing lot of research to see what I want to modify on my next cab(tent typer thing). Height and width will be a big one more space would be nice, a nicer door, better light traps etc. Growing wise I would really like to try coco I bought some from a hardware/garden store (below) I was going to mix this 50/50 with perlite and put them in reusable grocery bag (in replacement of smart pots) which was recommended by the hydro store owner who threw the one air pot they had to the back of the shelf hidden again; claiming that they were over priced. So does any one have an opinion on double bagging the bags or just single bags. I thought double to keep the roots darker less draft penetrating the root zone etc. I also realize it will require a good amount of watering as they will dry out quick with such a medium.
As for the girls the buds are starting to come along DAY 17 of flower. I must also say that Puffenufs previous journal with the NL has helped a bit with reference there were a few things i was worried about then looked at his and saw some same characteristics I thought it was too cool (don't know why really).
Thanks again everyone keep up the good work growing and inspiring us noobs yall rock!


Oh and not girls; girl read to many other posts can't wait till it is "girls" though.

and also Thanks for the light suggestions curly and alex frickennneHH!


Well-Known Member
she is looking very good man :D , ive grown with coco and liked it alot it drains water fast and promotes excellent growth ..... i just swithched to 100% perlite and ive never seen such amazing growth! but i got an auto feed system going so i dont have to worry about her drying up.


Hello everyone Day 21 of Flower here
Think I gave it a little to much nutes so I will be giving straight water for awhile ph to about 6.8; anyways heres some pics.



Hey guys

Don't know what will be going on here now I basically had one of those days this week the timer switch turned on to stay all the time mode for like 5 extra hours 1 night which was the day I lost my job which was also the day I saw my leaves like this in the next picture wow what a day. Obviously I fixed the light problem taped that bitch up! Second the leaves I think it is due to an over feeding type issue which locked out some micro nutrients the lower growth is dark, curled down and almost zebra striped with yellow (mananese apparently) and the top leaves well toss up for me between Iron,zinc, Molybdenum or other. Basically something related with to much P or K I think cause this hydro store clerks recommendation was way stronger then the 0.8EC that is supposedly best for soil; even after i asked he insisted 1/2 strength was fine and after wondering what was going on i realized it was 1.8EC.DSC_0006.jpgDSC_0007.jpgDSC_0008.jpgDSC_0010.jpg


Sucks that the light stayed on Sobs. I wouldn't worry too much about the discoloured fan leaves, looks like they are the larger, older ones anyways. The rest of the plant looks good from what I can see. I'd just pull those other ones off.

Nice NL grow.