I wanna shake this guys hand

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
I love the bottom 4 comments.

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Well-Known Member
And the would be thieves didn't even get a tresspassing charge? WTF?
The article doesn't say whether it was his property or not, but I bet the 3 guys felt pretty stupid to tell the cops somebody shot at them while they were looking for weed to steal.


Well-Known Member
like I said... you are not protected by the rights the thieves are.... you want RIGHTS?? break the law...

pretty sure Someone.... once said.. good will be evil and evil looked upon as good...


Well-Known Member
And the would be thieves didn't even get a tresspassing charge? WTF?
The article doesn't say whether it was his property or not, but I bet the 3 guys felt pretty stupid to tell the cops somebody shot at them while they were looking for weed to steal.
i think it was his property he would have had to see them go into the field and be there quick


Well-Known Member
Trust me il have a good reason for pulling it.Life threatning situation,My kids,and to protect myself from bodily harm.Think Karma will understand.....


They are all dumb. He was growing illegally & he WAS my hero when he buttstroked that bitch in the face but then he turns INTO an imbecile for firing off his weapon.

Oh well, better to learn from the mistakes of others than to make the same mistake ourselves, right...?