The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Fuck me I've been productive this morning, got the lady tied up as best I could (2 hour job) with the tent completely open blasting out smell all over the block. Removed most of the fan leaves that were starting to die off in the shade and some up top to open up the canopy a bit, the humidity reached 80% last night so I am a prime risk for mold. Removed the sock from the carbon filter to allow more air to flow though it hopefully reducing the humidity further. I would hate to lose her at this this point, we are on the home stretch.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
you were busy alright... did you have much hasstle tieing up i know that can be a finiky job at the best of times...

on the humidity, would a wet tea towel on your circ fan help with your humidity ???


Well-Known Member
Heres an update pic iamaaror what do you think? i dont see any difference, should i rise the ec today again or leave it?


Well-Known Member
Heres an update pic iamaaror what do you think? i dont see any difference, should i rise the ec today again or leave it?
View attachment 2329765
Tough to say, I'd leave it for a few days as it is and see how she progresses. If things don't work out I'd say try a new medium, because you seem to be doing everything right and my advice doesn't seem to be working :p


Well-Known Member
Heres an update pic iamaaror what do you think? i dont see any difference, should i rise the ec today again or leave it?
View attachment 2329765
Ill give this a bump while i tell you some good news for a change! theres a new season of underbelly out i dident even know about called underbelly badness, there 5 episodes which i am downloading as we speak so i know what i am gonna be doing today! joints and underbelly!! woot woot

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Those are some happy looking girls if I do say so myself.

thanks iam, its more the best of a bad lot than skill tho... and happy enough with progress so far there thick and bushy, the pics are bad, but there off the phone card, if i do it with camera takes forever to upload a pic...

hps going in there end the week so happy days...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Ill give this a bump while i tell you some good news for a change! theres a new season of underbelly out i dident even know about called underbelly badness, there 5 episodes which i am downloading as we speak so i know what i am gonna be doing today! joints and underbelly!! woot woot

downloading, bloody 3 wanting 36 quid this month, over data.... like as if were even getting 1 mb out here, fuck it i`m going better, any recommenations people...


Well-Known Member
thanks iam, its more the best of a bad lot than skill tho... and happy enough with progress so far there thick and bushy, the pics are bad, but there off the phone card, if i do it with camera takes forever to upload a pic...

hps going in there end the week so happy days...
You will see quite an increase in growth with the HPS, increased paranoia too when the chopper starts buzzing :p Although you probably don't see it as much as I do living half a mile away from the garda headquarters :p


Well-Known Member
I am going to take a tolerance break starting today until I have the plant chopped and dried. 2 full bong bowls isn't knocking me out like it should at nighttime. Sleeping is going to be a bitch for the first week or so though.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
oh no i see it alright, and the spotter plane aswell, there regular visitors around here....

its why i couldn`t stay in the attic couple of warm days and i`d be para as anything, and the coppers around here don`t really get on with me... can`t tell you why, i mean i`m a pretty easys guy to get along with hahahahaha.....

they got a big grow up the road from here and i got a real close up look at the chopper, its an impressive bit of kit too....