Texas Growers Unite!


Well-Known Member
Man....lets talk about the G-13...
clone only since yesteryear...
reportedly stolen from a Miss. Gov research lab & spread through out the north east & midwest...
Dr. greenthumb claims to have the true strain...
does it still exist....
IMO...only as a cross
Well it was time to harvest, and had my plants flushing for 7 days with clearx in a dark place. As I was cutting down the plants I notice that this one plant was off. The plant look sickly, it gave off this wierd smell, and the buds were soft. Well I cut the plant down to further examine it and I notice this white powder covering the bottom of the stem and and some on the bottom branches. I then took a closer look at the buds themselves, while the buds did not seem to have any of the powder on them, they still seem very sickly and the smell and feel was off when compared to its sisters. I then cut the plant in half separating the top half that did not seem to have anything strange on it to make hash with, from the bottom half. I'm thinking that it is some kind of mold, and I need some conformation also any ideas as to what may have caused the mold to in the first place. Also though the room was dark the temp of the room was between 70-75 degrees Fahrenheit with the humidity ranging from 60-75. it could be resin but not sure.

Here are some pics of the bottom part of the plant:
photo (1).JPGphoto (2).JPGphoto.JPG


Well-Known Member
Well it was time to harvest, and had my plants flushing for 7 days with clearx in a dark place. As I was cutting down the plants I notice that this one plant was off. The plant look sickly, it gave off this wierd smell, and the buds were soft. Well I cut the plant down to further examine it and I notice this white powder covering the bottom of the stem and and some on the bottom branches. I then took a closer look at the buds themselves, while the buds did not seem to have any of the powder on them, they still seem very sickly and the smell and feel was off when compared to its sisters. I then cut the plant in half separating the top half that did not seem to have anything strange on it to make hash with, from the bottom half. I'm thinking that it is some kind of mold, and I need some conformation also any ideas as to what may have caused the mold to in the first place. Also though the room was dark the temp of the room was between 70-75 degrees Fahrenheit with the humidity ranging from 60-75. it could be resin but not sure.

Here are some pics of the bottom part of the plant:
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What kinda lights you use?Whats the Humidity in your flower room?Il make this simple for you if you use HID lighting just get a old window screen or any screen tht allows air to pass thru,cut fan leaves off and bud leaves put in flower room away from light.In 3-4 days go back and do final touch up of the little leaves and bud trim.I use a old window screen and a Mirror under it too catch all the little goodies.Your buds now should be dry enough to start a CURE.The big buds can be put in a paper bag to remove the last bit of moisture.A good Cure takes Weeks.and even better in a month,if done properly.



Well-Known Member
That would be...the bastard mold...in all its putrid glory:spew:

Was that plant sick before lights out?...check the rest REALLY good.
Try not to get hung up on that one plant...focus on your good plants..
You have all the right info at hand...just follow it thru

I know how it is when you get advice from the group, but then you have to "walk the walk" alone....
This single grow...is what MAKES a pro.
So fuck'n what, a bit of punk ass mold, fuck it...
Learning how to save a crop... is what your doing right now.


Well-Known Member
Fuck yeah went out and cleaned my garage almost without breaking a sweat... can't wait til fall is fully here and not getting excited about lower 90s :)


weathers awesome. im growing some purple kush auto's right now. ordered some white widow, blue berry, and northern lights blue yesterday.^^^^and you'll love wa sense, i lived there for about 6 months last year.


Well-Known Member
Fuck yeah went out and cleaned my garage almost without breaking a sweat... can't wait til fall is fully here and not getting excited about lower 90s :)
After your post on garage i did same and found ol buckett tht had some Nutes felt like this dog!!
So my buds were solid and dense when I harvest, there in there 3rd day drying and there soft as hell. There not finished drying I can tell, I was just wondering if they will harden back up in the cure? I mean they were dense in the grow, I had two thousand watt hps lights going so I don't think it's light issue and my temps never went over 80 never, most of the tine they were like 78, 79 degrees at the hottest point at night so I don't think it's a temp issue. During the day, the 12 hrs off, they were at temps of 70-75 lots of air flow. some are indica dominant so I don't think it's genetic issue. What do y'all think fellow texans? And the cowboys and texans are looking good!
Yeah I'm going all dr green thumb my next round, wanted to try Cali connection and RP and dna but I just feel like what's the point if I'm not going to be satisfied. Drgt is a liltle more but fuck it, I can't find any bad reviews on the guy.