Placing First Seed Order - Advice?


So I'm placing my first order with Attitude tonight to take advantage of the September promotions. But I'm at the shipping page and am stumped. Does it matter whether or not have the seeds removed from the breeders packs? And is the guaranteed stealth shipping worth it? Any help is appreciated and thanks ahead of time!


Well-Known Member
So I'm placing my first order with Attitude tonight to take advantage of the September promotions. But I'm at the shipping page and am stumped. Does it matter whether or not have the seeds removed from the breeders packs? And is the guaranteed stealth shipping worth it? Any help is appreciated and thanks ahead of time!
Leave in breeders packs, yes to stealth and buy the t-shirt. That is how it gets here!


Active Member
No need for nausea or nerves. You should have them in 10-12 days. The T-shirt may be cool or maybe not. They send different ones everytime.


Active Member
Nothing to worry about with Attitude. What the other guys said... breeder packs, stealth and enjoy the t-shirt.


Well-Known Member
No need for nausea or nerves. You should have them in 10-12 days. The T-shirt may be cool or maybe not. They send different ones everytime.
At the comment section I believe at the second to last part or very last part of ordering process you can put your request of shirt in comments. Type in search here for attitude shirts and a kind person placed a series of shirts that you could get from the tude.


Well-Known Member
Buy the mug!!!! Its a coffee cup from a breeder. Much better protection for your beans then a shirt. I display them in my room:D

And do you really want to walk around advertising if your not legal lol...


Ooh, I'll have to get the mug next time!

Okay, so I placed my order at 10 PM last night, and by 7 AM this morning I got a notice that the package had shipped. Wow! That was fast. Now we'll see if it actually arrives and how long it takes!


Well-Known Member
Buy the mug!!!! Its a coffee cup from a breeder. Much better protection for your beans then a shirt. I display them in my room:D

And do you really want to walk around advertising if your not legal lol...
That's the thing! I don't get to wear mine outside of the house! O well it's still baller @ home!
At the comment section I believe at the second to last part or very last part of ordering process you can put your request of shirt in comments. Type in search here for attitude shirts and a kind person placed a series of shirts that you could get from the tude.

Good info. Last time I got one of a half naked lady who looked like the chick from the TV show 'Bitchin Kitchen'. It had like 8 pot leafs on it, lol. I perfer something a little less loud and which insinuates the issue a little better.... something I can actually wear in public ya know?

Thanks for the info.


Well-Known Member
Ooh, I'll have to get the mug next time!

Okay, so I placed my order at 10 PM last night, and by 7 AM this morning I got a notice that the package had shipped. Wow! That was fast. Now we'll see if it actually arrives and how long it takes!
OK let me make you nervous again. The packages arrive through a sorting facility in NYC. USPS tracking will track your package BEFORE it gets to the US noting the UK PO is sending. CHECK TRACKING!!!!!

This facility is famous for being a black hole. Do not be alarmed if it sits and sits. They are NOT holding it, the dumb fucks have just forgotten it if it stays there longer than a single working day.

If it stays there 2 days then go to the USPS web site and got to "Customer Service". Write with your UK tracking number and ask them to kick it loose. Keep checking. Next it will go to Bethpage, NY - a bigger black hole in the USPS. Now the only reason I know this is my second Attitude order passed my first order and kept on coming.

I wrote and asked that they send me the package stuck in NYC. Less than 2 days from writing and it was on its way - to Bethpage! I was prepared to write again but didn't have to.

This happens to all sorts of sent items. Gun parts, cameras, clothing. For YEARS!!!!! Type in "USPS+Bethpage" and watch. Good luck.

I didn't know about the mugs. Nice.


Active Member
Good info. Last time I got one of a half naked lady who looked like the chick from the TV show 'Bitchin Kitchen'. It had like 8 pot leafs on it, lol. I perfer something a little less loud and which insinuates the issue a little better.... something I can actually wear in public ya know?

Thanks for the info.
I wear my weed shirts in public. I have one just like my Avatar. I want to advertise to the public that weed isn't the "Devil's Lettuce"... I like to try to educate people that it's time to quit demonizing this wonderful plant. I get alot of compliments on it. If weed was cool with George Fucking Washington it should be cool with the slobs down at my local WalMart too.