growing to sell

So i wanna grow cannabis to sell and my limit is about 4 plants
I got feminized seed so i wanna germinate before harvest so that way when i harvest my plants in a couple of days or a week my next plants are ready to harvest.get it ? I could.change to 8 plants in a pot to my limit and about 16 of some two Weeks old and about 8 germinating get it kinda ?
Point is i can't run out of bud for mycustomers
And do feminized plants have seeds ? So i wont have to buy more and about how many seeds do feminized plants have if so ?


Well-Known Member
I only use fem seeds and twice I have found a few seeds in my bud but the answer to your question is no. Generally female seeds will not produce a plant that gives you female seeds unless it hermies.


Well-Known Member
I only use fem seeds and twice I have found a few seeds in my bud but the answer to your question is no. Generally female seeds will not produce a plant that gives you female unless it hermies.
I'm a bit confused. I thought that femenized seeds were supposed to produce only female plants?


Well-Known Member
So i wanna grow cannabis to sell and my limit is about 4 plants
I got feminized seed so i wanna germinate before harvest so that way when i harvest my plants in a couple of days or a week my next plants are ready to harvest.get it ? I could.change to 8 plants in a pot to my limit and about 16 of some two Weeks old and about 8 germinating get it kinda ?
Point is i can't run out of bud for mycustomers
And do feminized plants have seeds ? So i wont have to buy more and about how many seeds do feminized plants have if so ?
another business major. lol

so how much weight do you think you'll be pulling down with those plants?


Well-Known Member
Leaving your plant out in the sun for an extra two hours will not necessarily cause your plant to hermie. Stress causes hermies, light leaks cause hermies and sometimes shit just happens. Why don't you just take clones .


Well-Known Member
So to,make my fem have seeds i need to make it Hermie
Which if i leave the sun for extra 2 hours itll Hermie ?
To make female seeds breed a hermie with a female and the seeds from the female will be female since a hermie is female itself but with male organs also.


Well-Known Member
To make female seeds breed a hermie with a female and the seeds from the female will be female since a hermie is female itself but with male organs also.
Also a method to make your plant herm is to foliar feed asprin water or just stress it out enough until it herms.


Well-Known Member
yea man females dont produce seeds unless they are pollinated by a male plant a hermie is half male half female plant i wouldt waist money on fem seeds just get reguler seeds that way you can breed and shit eazy and you first grow most likely isnt going to work out so i sugest useing seed you get out of a bag of swag 4 plants to sell lol your not going to be pulling to much weed offf of 4 plant you first grow maby an oz depends on your equipment and how well they do. dont waist your money on seeds untill you actully do some recherch and finish 1 susfull grow from bag seed
good luck


Well-Known Member
You ask too many questions and not enough research. Just read up on cloning like Fatboy said. No point of trying to make more seeds when that is all your doing. Seeds are for breeders n such. Get your book worm on buddy and you will thank us later. Get yourself an cannabis growing book and read articles and you will find so much information. Cannabis growing is not for the lazy!


Active Member
This reminds me of a bloke who at the start of autumn about 6 months ago asked me to get him 100 clones organised coz he wanted to do a massive outdoor grow. I told him i might be able to but to wait till at least spring coz autumn is not the time to plant. He ended up cracking he shits with me and said if I cant help him he'll find someone ho can... hahaha.... Lol.... Our avereage overnight temps here are sub zero pretty much from middle of autumn to middle of spring. It was all just a money making thing to him and he had no idea about growing but ne there was money to be made out it so thought he'd get a grow going. Fucking Clown Shoes.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if he recognizes a hermie :)
Go read some first before wasting time, money and seeds. It s an easy plant if you follow some basics.
During the first three weeks of flowering, turn the lights on for an hour during the middle of the dark period. That is, 12 hrs. on, 5.5 hrs. off, 1 hr. on, 5.5 hrs. off, and repeat for the first 3 weeks, after which you may return to the normal 12/12 light cycle. This causes a plant to go "hermie" and pollinate itself, as well as any other female in the room. You must use plants originating only from female seeds or clones to ensure that no male chromosomes are present. The resulting seeds will produce NO MALE PLANTS!