Well-Known Member
So I saw this video on youtube this morning, very interesting. I have never heard of them before, but i'm sure a few of you have. The tardigrade is the first animal to survive in the vacuum of space according to scientists. Here is the video
The guy in the vid has a theory that since these creatures can survive extreme temps and the vacuum of space that they came from another planet/galaxy. What are your opinions on this? This could be a crucial key in the evolution of evolution...
or maybe i've just had 1 too many dabs
They can survive mass amounts of radiation, they can go a decade without water, they can survive temps from absolute zero to 304 degrees C, and they can apparently survive up to 100 years...if they can survive in the vacuum of space and for up to 100 years....well i'll let you think about that
The guy in the vid has a theory that since these creatures can survive extreme temps and the vacuum of space that they came from another planet/galaxy. What are your opinions on this? This could be a crucial key in the evolution of evolution...

They can survive mass amounts of radiation, they can go a decade without water, they can survive temps from absolute zero to 304 degrees C, and they can apparently survive up to 100 years...if they can survive in the vacuum of space and for up to 100 years....well i'll let you think about that