I'm all for trying to bring potent weed into the wild. That would be kick ass. But I am not for doing it with autoflower strains. I don't want that ruddi shit mixing in with my plant genes. If you want to do this you should be telling people to buy strain seeds that are well suited to their climate. The further north you go, for example, the more indica dom I would suggest. If enough people went around and planted weed seeds in random places, from deep in the woods to right along the interstate, you might end up with some recurring plants. People would likely have to put forth this effort for several continuous seasons before the plant managed to keep itself around on it's own. I once bought an ounce of brick that had well over a hundred seeds in it while visiting a nearby city. I rolled a few blunts out of it and picked out all the seeds and hopped on the train. I walked around the city all day, putting seeds in flower beds in front of downtown buildings, next to bushes in parks, in peoples front lawn and gangways, along weedy patches in alleys, I put seeds anywhere I thought a plant had a chance to grow. Then I left the city.
My suggestions to anyone trying this, plant seeds in bunches relatively close. Your not looking to harvest anything so you don't need to worry too much about the normal things you would consider when growing. Putting multiple seeds in one spot will increase the likelihood that you have a male and a female nearby to pollinate each other, make seeds, and a plant to come up next year all on it's own. Also, don't plant seeds anywhere that gets routinely weeded or mowed, for obvious reasons. Because you are not tending to these plants or looking to harvest, don't worry so much about people seeing the full grown plant. Most people won't even know what it is. I would be willing to bet some of those plants in the city made it through to fall without a single person ever realizing it was there. HA HA to think of buds growing, dying, and rotting, without ever being noticed is funny and sad all at the same time.