Anarchy to some people means the absence of a central all controlling authority. It doesn't mean "chaos" is necessarily part of the equation.
I do not describe myself as an Anarchist by the way. I do believe in Voluntary interactions and that any entity that initiates force is wrong. I'm not interested in supporting wrong....are you?
The problem that I see is that removing a central authority introduces more problems than it corrects.
Without one, a state becomes fatally slow at organizing certain vital functions, like a defense.
The example of the American revolution was extraordinary, since the combatants were separated by an ocean in the age of sail, and we had help. Without the French and Dutch to slip us assistance, the Revolutionary War would have ended differently.
In today's age of routine jet travel, the capacity to place a warhead anywhere in less than an hour, and near-instantaneous worldwide news distribution, the need for an agile, responsible center is greater than ever. cn