Does Any One Know About D.M.T.??


Well-Known Member
I have lots and lots of phalaris grass growing around my place. I confirmed it is the good phalaris grass. I see a lot of ways to make it. My problem is the 4 methods I found are in general the same and way to technical for any old person to do. Can anyone tell me how to make D.M.T. in layman's terms?? There has got to be a easy way. If no replies I will post in Toke And Talk later. Thank you. :fire:


Well-Known Member
What shemp said.
It's seriously easy. Soak the material in acidic water, extract with nonpolar solvent, separate, discard nonpolar layer. Bring pH of aqueous layer to 10.5-11, extract with nonpolar solvent, freeze nonpolar layer, collect DMT freebase. Repeat steps in the second sentence after letting it sit for ~24 hours.
you want naphtha that evaporates without residue. Heptane gives a slightly cleaner product.


Active Member
Lighter fluid, lye and pool acid are pretty nasty things to be messing with. Please read some articles and if you have some advanced questions we do have a resident chemistry genius here in the form of MrEDuck. But if you read the extraction articles and still don't understand the basics then maybe you shouldn't be doing it. I'm not trying to be demeaning. I am honestly concerned for your safety.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I am not disrespected at all. I understand the hazards and the risk. I found a way to cut out the caustic soda with naturally accruing acids but You Can Not Replace the lye. Lye is as I understand Coleman lighter fluid and other types of lighting fluid. It was just the way they worded all the substances. It was like rocket science. LoL. I think I got it though. Kinda sucks it can take up to a month but well worth the wait i have heard. Thank you fellas.


Well-Known Member
It will be much easier if you extract it from mimosa hostilis bark which is available on amazon. Look up stb extraction of dmt on google. It's really pretty easy. My friend use v, m&p naptha from the hardware store. You can buy a gallon for 15.00. Lye is not lighter fluid! It is caustic soda and can be found in the plumbing dept. Extracting from grass is a big mess. You can buy a kilo of mimosa for 74.00. For about 100.00 you can buy enough materials to keep you in dmt for quite some time. Look up Norman's Tek.


Well-Known Member
STB gives dirtier product than A/B. also heptane (Bestine, available at craft stores) gives a better product than naphtha. Remember, you are going to be ingesting it. Strive for high purity. OP caustic soda is lye, not an acid. If you could get con ammonia that would work but it requires more ventilation because it stinks pretty bad until you burn out your sense of smell. Then it's just kinda offensive. What are you planning on using for the acidification step?


Well-Known Member
Im thinking vinegar. What do you recommend I use? I meant to spell naphtha at the top. LoL. Not lye.


Well-Known Member
It's ok, just wanted to see. Above all else good safety practices are essential. Cover your skin as much as possible, ideally get a labcoat. And safety goggles. The number one thing you need to cover is your eyes. Lye + your eyes = blindness. Wear gloves. I'd reccomend a pair of nitrile gauntlets if you can't get real lab gloves. 8mil nitriles or better is what you want. Ive never used vinegar before, it should work though. Sep funnels are available at


Well-Known Member
It's ok, just wanted to see. Above all else good safety practices are essential. Cover your skin as much as possible, ideally get a labcoat. And safety goggles. The number one thing you need to cover is your eyes. Lye + your eyes = blindness. Wear gloves. I'd reccomend a pair of nitrile gauntlets if you can't get real lab gloves. 8mil nitriles or better is what you want. Ive never used vinegar before, it should work though. Sep funnels are available at
Thank you fine sir. Yeah im not going to try to make the stuff until I am comfortable that I have what I need in safety. I do have a coat from when my mom was in med school years ago. I got the goggles but no gloves yet. Ps. Your F,in awesome.


Well-Known Member
I happened upon 5 decent size mimosa hostilis trees. Yeah not plants,trees. It could also be Anadenanthera colubrina or Anadenanthera peregrina. Any how the three look very similar. All three contain DMT in there leaves, seeds and root bark. I will use the root bark as the seeds have come and gone. I think I will let it freeze and thaw before I dry it out. Then I will freeze and thaw the dry root bark and the grind to dust. What do you guys think about that process? Too much? Should I just dry and grind??


Well-Known Member
I happened upon 5 decent size mimosa hostilis trees. Yeah not plants,trees. It could also be Anadenanthera colubrina or Anadenanthera peregrina. Any how the three look very similar. All three contain DMT in there leaves, seeds and root bark. I will use the root bark as the seeds have come and gone. I think I will let it freeze and thaw before I dry it out. Then I will freeze and thaw the dry root bark and the grind to dust. What do you guys think about that process? Too much? Should I just dry and grind??
I too live in the sunshine state, and there are PLENTY of good trees. I've only ever ordered from ebay... who knows.... maybe our trees yield more than mexican/brasil trees!


Well-Known Member
They say Mexico has the best Mimosa. UPDATE:: All I need now is my sodium hydroxide and naphtha. I already know where to buy both products in one spot. Soon as I get some spare time I will be picking them up and I will have finished product to show.


Well-Known Member
So I have found out that my trees around here are not hostilis. I am starting to believe what I have is mimosa verrucosa. Its very similar in looks. It has been said that the mimosa verrucosa can contain as much dmt as hostilis. I found on erowid the tree/plant does contain dmt in the root bark. I have found online that there has been no official studies on the mimosa verrucosa. Since I have 4 more trees to work with I will be using them. I cut one out and gathered the roots. It seemed like I had a lot but I washed them. I froze them and thawed. Then I dried them. It felt like 2 lbs of wet root bark before dried. Now I cut the dry bark into small enough pieces to bag up. It only weighed 64 grams... Lets see what happens when I powder it. I need to get more if I find out what I have is positive for dmt. Why not rite. I will post results


New Member
DMT is some trippy shit. It only lasts for a good 15-20 minutes. It would be much better in it lasted longer but hell it's still a damn good drug