You listed 26 Delivery Services. There are hundreds of those in San Diego, because many store-front dispensaries that closed are now delivering.
I know of at least 10 stores open now, but one year ago there were 250.
HOw many had a permit?
How many were operating within the local and state law?
How many were raided at the behest of a Republican District attorney working for San Dieago goverment?
We now have to buy our drugs from criminals," said patient Rich Reil.

Terrie Best
Terrie Best, San Diego ASA: "[Dumanis] does this to boost her drug conviction rate and get federal grant money on the backs of sick people"
​"Mayor candidate and District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis is behind this," commented Terrie Best, a San Diego-based medicinal cannabis activist. "She is no supporter of medica marijuana patients no matter how she tries to backpedal now.
"I know of numerous cases currently in court, where Bonnie Dumanis' office is fighting hard to prevent juries from seeing documentation that would prove the defendants are patients," Best said. "Dumanis routinely moves to block all evidence of patient status in court in order to paint legitimate patients as drug dealers in front of juries.
"She does this to boost her drug conviction rate and get federal grant money on the backs of sick people," Best said.
As word of the Wednesday raids spread, the community jumped into action, reports the
San Diego Chapter of Americans for Safe Access. Within minutes, the countywide ASA raid alert system was activated and raid response teams fanned out to all three dispensaries.
Bonnie Michelle Dumanis (born December 16, 1951, Brockton, Massachusetts) is currently the District Attorney of San Diego County, California. Dumanis has been the District Attorney since 2003, when she defeated incumbent Paul Pfingst.[SUP][1][/SUP] Dumanis is currently running for Mayor of San Diego.[SUP][2][/SUP]
Dumanis, a Republican, is the first openly gay or lesbian DA in the country.[SUP][3][/SUP] She is the first Jewish woman to hold the post of District Attorney in San Diego