600w multi strain grow


Well-Known Member
Matt very nice outdoor grow ;)
Are you going indoors later in the season? or still not able?
yep i have some clones going and will be heading inside for the winter (not at my house) have some arrangements made and will be posting my harvest for outdoor and my indoor shit on this thread (im a 1 thread kinda guy)

man im tickled pink that all the old school guys are here, so happy to have you all along its great, we just need Mr Gastanker to get his ass over her enow and will be golden :) glad to have all of you along....pics up;loading and a nice post incoming stay tuned


Well-Known Member
ok going to start if off by saying not all my plants are doing the best and i do have spider mites but i really dont give a rats ass!!

first up is the NLxBB, she didnt grow much after i ripped her out of the ground and re potted but she has some tasty ass looking buds and i cant wait to taste them. some purple pistols coming through and i feel this is going to be some great smoke.



Well-Known Member
here is the blueberry gum, she was pretty much 5 weeks into flower when spring hit and i had to dump the indoor so i harvested about 1/2 an oz and revegged it, im pretty happy with the results, as a mater of fact i will always take my clones while in flower from now on because of the vigor and bushy that a reveg puts out



Well-Known Member
here is the veno poison, i really think i could have done beter with this plant but you guys have to remember that i had to ditch my indoor in April and the light hours werent the greatest for outdoor. i did what i could hoping for a couple Oz off thisplant



Well-Known Member
hope you guys enjoy the porn, sorry i had to do it in 7 different posts but i edited them and it was the only way i could get it to come out decent.

feel free to hate, or like :) all i gotta say to the haters is for 2 weeks in i have alot of fucking triches already, if you got negative comments you better back em up with pics mother fucker ..I._


Well-Known Member
hell ya dude looks great. i didnt read everything ill go back what nutes are you giving them?
not really giving them any nutes, i used a shit load of Epsoma's Organic garden tone when i ammended my soil. i did water in some miracle grow Bloom booster which is a 10-30-10 (something like that) and yesterday i watered in a little worm casting and bananna compost tea.

probably going to hit up agway and get some bloom nutes in a week or so but for now they seem to be doing alright


Well-Known Member
whats your opinion now? fucking tool, my buds are looking better than yours @ 2 weeks than yours look @ 4 weeks.....hmmm maybe you should have shut your cocksucer ...dumb bitch
^^ sorry i had a bit of a buzz on, that dude just pissed me off when he came on here calling my shit Shwag. i went and looked at his plants and he was 4 weeks into flower with smaller buds than me. anyways sorry to everyone else for the rant lol


Well-Known Member
here is the blueberry gum, she was pretty much 5 weeks into flower when spring hit and i had to dump the indoor so i harvested about 1/2 an oz and revegged it, im pretty happy with the results, as a mater of fact i will always take my clones while in flower from now on because of the vigor and bushy that a reveg puts out
Not to mention earlier harvest. From now on ALL my sativas will be small revenges.


Well-Known Member
thanks man, and yeah revegging is great. cant wait for then end product though, i took a bud from the OG and it was pretty dam good for being only 3-4 weeks into flower