The Irish Growers Thread!


Active Member
horrable yokes ,,only difference is no red marking on its back ,checked them online and they do carry venom but only like a wasp sting if bitten,,they come in on banana creates...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
some amount of wildlife has came in that way, wasn`t a woman in england that found a trantula on her stuff that was delivered by tesco...

have to say after seeing one of them up close there scary fuckers them trantulas....


Well-Known Member
Too many pages to troll back through, how we all doing? anyone have a expresso maker like this?

fuck they are a great job altogether! got some java beans and ground them up, what a coffee it tastes like chocolate, if anyone is into coffee and using the instant crap i advise getting one of these and some beans,

nothing new to report on the seedlings same old same old cant wait to put them under a bigger light but dont wanna do it too soon

Fuck spiders! i used to find them in palettes on construction sites as they were brought in from overseas, dirty little fucks give me the shivers


Well-Known Member
Ur flyin ae! looking great i wish mine would man up,

check out this site guys if ur board or never heard of it, i spend most of my time on there now cause its a very funny site

also if u put /r/trees at the end its a sub forum for weed, some funny storys and shit on there

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Ur flyin ae! looking great i wish mine would man up,

check out this site guys if ur board or never heard of it, i spend most of my time on there now cause its a very funny site

also if u put /r/trees at the end its a sub forum for weed, some funny storys and shit on there

like i have time for another forum.....hahahahahaha....

wondering where you were hideing..;) you want clones????


Well-Known Member
Its not a weed forum its a news site with people who speak the truth, its just has a weed section with funny stories,

the clones is a nice offer! but i have 4 small seedlings am trying to grow so i dont need anymore to deal with just yet thanks tho

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
no hasstle buddy, just thinking of you is all...

no sun here today, cloudy and overcast so far.... just smoked my last fag so off them aswell now.. well until i get some weed to smoke up, but as i normally only smoke joints and a 20 a day man at that in full swing, i`ve been so broke in the last couple of months can`t afford the oz`s a week and the 50 bags have been trickling to a halt of late aswell, so knocking the fags on the head, smokeing them like there going out of fashion these days..

no weed, no fags and a wife that would ate you through the letterbox.. makes ae a dull boy.... hurry the fuck up harvest...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
thanks mand, not bad for a couple of cfl`s....;)

with being away next week think i was right to hold off on the hps, but once this thing is out of the way, the place will be like the sun is in the shed...hahahahaha...


Active Member
i was looking around about topping autos and lst,, havent seen anyone (could be wrong now) doing like a test on two of the same plants at the same time,,,i heard topping autos is not a good idea. so i was thinking to test this out, top one and lst the other just to see how it goes.. it might answer a few question about it all,, an seen as i have 2 the same im gona give it a go. ill start a thread on it next week..


Active Member
cfls are great for veg,, my creamatic had them for the first 2 weeks or less even, and i think it grew really good ,tight nodes and bushy out,, one thing i do find with cfl ,its like they dry the air out or sumtin even thow there quite cool, or it could just be the wardrobe ive bin using for starting them


Active Member
shit was just thinking,, ide really need 3 plants to do a propper test, lst, top and just leave one as is,, but feck it it will give me sumtin to do during the grow and ill be commin here for advice wen i need it OKAYYYY

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
i was looking around about topping autos and lst,, havent seen anyone (could be wrong now) doing like a test on two of the same plants at the same time,,,i heard topping autos is not a good idea. so i was thinking to test this out, top one and lst the other just to see how it goes.. it might answer a few question about it all,, an seen as i have 2 the same im gona give it a go. ill start a thread on it next week..

its the only way to learn, that way you can without doubt know how they fair under different conditions.... and why not top them, i never got that, its a cannabis plant after all...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
cfls are great for veg,, my creamatic had them for the first 2 weeks or less even, and i think it grew really good ,tight nodes and bushy out,, one thing i do find with cfl ,its like they dry the air out or sumtin even thow there quite cool, or it could just be the wardrobe ive bin using for starting them

if you find the air too dry, place a moist towel over your fan for awhile...


Active Member
another thing i wanna know is,, if i chop wen trecs are all milky with just a small amount of amber ill get a head high?? and if i leave it to full amber ill get couch lock.. is this true

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
shit was just thinking,, ide really need 3 plants to do a propper test, lst, top and just leave one as is,, but feck it it will give me sumtin to do during the grow and ill be commin here for advice wen i need it OKAYYYY

well were always here for you mand, and sure the other auto growers on the thread will be both intrested in how it goes and only too willing to help...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
another thing i wanna know is,, if i chop wen trecs are all milky with just a small amount of amber ill get a head high?? and if i leave it to full amber ill get couch lock.. is this true

somewhat yes.... personally i think its down to strain and cannbinoid content and thc level, after all isn`t it the cannbinoid that makes the strain...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
cfls are great for veg,, my creamatic had them for the first 2 weeks or less even, and i think it grew really good ,tight nodes and bushy out,, one thing i do find with cfl ,its like they dry the air out or sumtin even thow there quite cool, or it could just be the wardrobe ive bin using for starting them

yeah but there slow as a wet week..