What did you accomplish today?

sounds brolic for a one man job. i had school in the morning 9-10:30 then work from 12-9. i mastered taking out oil filters that are in hard to reach places. i guess that would be my main accomplishment of the day, i've always known how to do oil changes but now i know what techniques and tools to use for particularly difficult filters to reach. anyways, yeah.
sounds brolic for a one man job. i had school in the morning 9-10:30 then work from 12-9. i mastered taking out oil filters that are in hard to reach places. i guess that would be my main accomplishment of the day, i've always known how to do oil changes but now i know what techniques and tools to use for particularly difficult filters to reach. anyways, yeah.

I have a small tractor with a bucket so it made it a little easier, I did have to lug wheel barrows. Sweet that you've learned the different tools for hard to reach filters, I've always gotten pissed off changing them in the driveway and end up sticking a screwdriver through them.
LMAO sticking a screwdriver through them.....you're a fucking caveman! lol j/k they got some shit called a spider grip, which specifically is designed to grip oil filters. handy as hell if i can say so myself. now to learn how to mount tires from and off rims without scratching them, ha. you was filling in the driveway basically, right? and smoothing it out and all that basically re-doing the driveway
LMAO sticking a screwdriver through them.....you're a fucking caveman! lol j/k they got some shit called a spider grip, which specifically is designed to grip oil filters. handy as hell if i can say so myself. now to learn how to mount tires from and off rims without scratching them, ha. you was filling in the driveway basically, right? and smoothing it out and all that basically re-doing the driveway

Yeah I had to have more added. Been living here over 20 years can't remember it ever being done.
i vacuumed and did the cat litter. and trolled a bit.

A bit? :p

Entertaining company can be so exhausting, my family was coming out and visiting all summer and that took more out of me than work did.

My aunt is 83 years old and the last of my mother's immediate family. She is a mean, wasp tongued, two fist drinking, quick witted old bitch that I love with all my heart. She could take the paint off walls with her vocabulary. She can cuss in three different languages and doesn't hesitate to let you know what she thinks of you. She calls me her pink fairy. I love that old woman. We sang some really old New Mexico folk songs. That old bag still has a decent voice. She walked up to me while I was making dinner and handed me a bottle of vodka. In a Mormon home! I laughed my ass off and took a big ol' swig.

I love my mother's relatives. They are down to earth and real. They pitch right in and help with whatever we're doing so they're never a bother. :D
It won't be Stewartia much longer. The person the genus was named after was named Stuart and the original spelling was (at one time) Stuartia. :p