sounds brolic for a one man job. i had school in the morning 9-10:30 then work from 12-9. i mastered taking out oil filters that are in hard to reach places. i guess that would be my main accomplishment of the day, i've always known how to do oil changes but now i know what techniques and tools to use for particularly difficult filters to reach. anyways, yeah.
I did a whole bunch of nothing and am proud of it
LMAO sticking a screwdriver through're a fucking caveman! lol j/k they got some shit called a spider grip, which specifically is designed to grip oil filters. handy as hell if i can say so myself. now to learn how to mount tires from and off rims without scratching them, ha. you was filling in the driveway basically, right? and smoothing it out and all that basically re-doing the driveway
Worked until 5pm then cooked dinner for everyone. Entertained my aunt and cousin with wine and song. Retired to my bedroom. Now I'm relaxing in bed in my boxer briefs enjoying a quiet night of crickets and coyotes.![]()
i vacuumed and did the cat litter. and trolled a bit.
Entertaining company can be so exhausting, my family was coming out and visiting all summer and that took more out of me than work did.
and you still sucki vacuumed and did the cat litter. And trolled a bit.
and you still suck
Well, it looks to me like you came to a decision. Shame it was the incorrect one. cn