KushXoj's pound per plant heavy-weight PPV Grow


Well-Known Member
Do you have flies hanging around your plants ?

I'm thinking its the molasses attracting them ...


Well-Known Member
Yeah I have 3 but they don't shit back there. ;) I have a large yard and they have a ton of room to shit. Just not near my plants. :)


Well-Known Member
You know this is one thing I decided not to use this season. I got ants last season when I added molasses and shortly after that I had mites. I was slamming it with every other watering though and didn't control the ants once I saw them. This season I haven't seen one ant try to colonize. :) But that's just me! Keep doing what works for you guys. :)
i got lucky this year. i had ants in may and hit them with terro, but they seemed to stay around. but they left at some point to go pick on my corn. the corn is covered in aphids that the ants dragged in. i got lucky.


Well-Known Member
Put up a couple sticks for support since I've noticed them putting on weight lately. I don't want any broken branches


Sour D

Larry OG Kush

Group Shots



Well-Known Member
Looking good Kush! Loving that your Sour D is still perked up. Mine is doing better since I moved her and is putting on weight. GSC! Blunt, bong, or pipe?


Well-Known Member
Fantastic bushes you got there, and you were doubting your goal. I think you'll be very pleased with the rewards of this grow. :clap::weed::peace: