600 is thee best cc to start with. All sportbikes are light as hell now but the 600 is the perfect engine to learn on. Very forgiving and much easier to excel on safety compared to a 1000. Make a goal of mastering your first 600 before you move up to the 1000 club.
What would I have changed if I could go back in time? I would of not been such an asshole at age 19 to my then girlfriend who left me because I chose my friends over her. She is a doctor now, big bucks an dis still HOT. A bike, at least in those days, hell any era, does things to a guys brain, and dick. I was a manwhore on two wheels, back then you'd have to be Rocky Dennis of Mask to not get pussy on a regular basis with a sportbike. But I did grow up quickly and by age 22-23 I was in a 1000 club riding with people who knew how to ride hard.
And in a way being up north here was great because when spring got here after 8 months of winter(really 5 months felt like
it was like being a virgin again. Prepping the bike up a good month before the roads are ride-able, making plans for rides here and there, grabbing new leathers and parts, then that first day comes and there is nothing like it. I have never experienced the natural high I get from this doing anything else. And I've done a lot.
Fall and winter coming, depression will set in, weed really helps with this.