New Member
at least 3 lbs
I just can't wrap my head around why anybody would roll on a daily basis, when it's so fucking obvious that they're saving money, their lungs, and herb by using a bubble pipe or vape.
joints and blunts are for sharing so I see it as extremely selfish. the nature of the herb is to conserve and share what is naturally available to us
abusers gonna abuse
I have trouble getting through a gram per day with a bong, and still being functional and productive.
So I'm being careless if I go through more than 350 grams a year.
even with my personal stash set aside I have 70% of the crop left over to distribute to friends and family.
I set aside all of the trimmed off plant material, make brownies, cakes, and share those too
I smoke about a 1/2 oz - 1 oz a year. Casual, social smoker
It's prescribed for my "social anxiety"![]()
Not wanting to sound rude but I have to ask....then why start a profile on a cannabis "growing" site, if you're just a casual smoker {1/2-1 oz a yr}, I've smoked more than that on a good week of camping.
bc he said dealers im assuming he's never had his own harvest, which means he's never had tons and tons of chronic weed in front of him at once to his disposle when ever he wants it. when u have that u tend to smoke alot more than u normally would,(especially when your buying it). and thus ur tolerance also goes up, and u smoke more on top of that. not that where getting ripped off (as im sure many here dnt even need to purchase it anymore)and far from being crap. the bud i grow is among the some best bud ive ever smoked in the course of my life, and im sure many others would agree if the put care into their plant, which most of us do.And why would you say that?
a half lasts me a week, and i still find myself conserving at the end of the week, inconcievable how it can last someone a yrNot wanting to sound rude but I have to ask....then why start a profile on a cannabis "growing" site, if you're just a casual smoker {1/2-1 oz a yr}, I've smoked more than that on a good week of camping.
u live in the NE huh, crazy prices up here. i refuse to pay anything over 50/8th and if i purchase an oz dnt like to go over 330, but have payed up to 350. 400 is stupid high, especially if the persons trying to flip it. im a fan of rolling though. ill smoke anything bong, bowl whatever, but blunts and joints(more so joints), im a fan of. i love the act of rolling, and it also just seems more relaxing to sit back with it to puff on idk. cant say i agree about blunts letting u taste ur weed, i always have a bit of roughness from the blunts, and can taste the nicotine as well.I personaly hate lighting a bowl all the time and you get that resin taste unless you clean it all the time. Joint papers taste like cigs to me and I dont smoke cigs. Blunts are smooth, you taste your weed and I can set it down let the dog out and its still lit when I get back. I can multi task and play mw3 with a bluntand the biggest Im not getting a extra charge if I get cought with weed and a cigar like I would for a bowl. I do vape from time to time. No complaints there
It is a waste yes thats why I started growing in the first place. We would spend $400 plus a week on weed. Yes people here charge 400 a oz! Unless you want reggie and id rather not smoke that. Now it helps my wife with her illness. I would share with people but then they would want to know why im giving weed away that greedy ass people in my area charge $60 a 1/8 for. I dont tell people about my hobby but ill def smoke one with who evers down.
I like the smoke it if you got it moto!!! You can always grow more.
Yep.. I go thru a 1 1/2oz-2oz a month so 18-24 sounds about right.16 oz = 1 pound
To answer your question, I'd need around 18-24 ounces to be a happy man for 12 months.