The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
18litre pots.... how long you going to veg for pad? you`ll have to go the full 6 weeks to fill the pot with roots you think....?

iam is the man here i`d say him or har will clue you in on the time needed to fill it..

or dave, you vegged for ages last run dave didn`t you? how fruitful was it come harvest for you ? do you think it helped the yeild?


Active Member
I love aero bars and don't worry, once you learn to admit to yourself that Man U are the greatest football team of all time you'll learn to love them too...;-)

Plannin on givin them 8 weeks 86

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
i always find it strange with these plants, how they can be so hardy yet fragile all at the same time...

think i`ve a girl gone hermi myself, going to give it a few more days as it could be swollen calaxlys, well i`m hopeing but they also look like balls..

at least the two full girls are still going healthy and strong, one in particular is bushed out and getting flowers now, with lots of flower heads at the top, so the cropping wored a treat on her..

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
i was on about painting the house have 2 guys here doin it mate smell of gloss making me high
its nice lol
you lazy so and so, i had to do mine inside and out by myself... well the missus tried to help but was like a 4 year old with the brush hahahahaha..

painful to watch her painting so just done it myself..


Active Member
Just glad to have the MH's broke out again. Only really feels like im growing now but fuck me I forgot how much heat they give off!!!
Only on for 20 min and I had to put the fans goin

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
latest pole is saying stoners are slightly ahead in opinon poles that is
so the dam cud be safe yet,,,,,,,,

like said yesterday, i would assume by now there make so much money from it, not only through sales of weed but tourist parapenallia etc etc....


Well-Known Member
you break them out (spanners) for anything lately? what ever happened to the rotary...
got her back runnin but she was never right turbo wise think 2nd turbo was dodge
i fitted a re con and mush improved but not great.
ended up sellin was even out apart from maybe 3 weeks tourture finiky cars but u have to love um.
engine was good no overheating etc but honest it took me a day to bleed coolant sytem pure bitch,,,,,,,,,,,,,

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
told ya...hahahahaaha... should have dropped it down to me i would have sorted her for you...;)

ah its gone now what can you do.. sold my 86 awhile ago too and miss haveing one in my life, the sound of them reving there little heart out slideing every now and then but mostly just cruiseing about with a little baap baap every now and then...

doing a re-pot tomorrow of the ten seedlings 6 have potential so them first....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
ah alls going ok at the min, plant wise anyways, had a head ache last night lasted till 7am never got a wink of sleep...