Well-Known Member
So at the BBQ I spoke with EC and he gave my an additional warning about how the Qushs may be hermie prone. That warning reminded me that I hadn't thoroughly checked the girls in a while for problems. Sure enough, Qush 4 had started shooting out a few rogue stamen. Bummed because Qush 4 was the frostiest of them all. I decided to finish her outside (far away from the other outdoor girls) since she only has a few weeks to go. Hopefully she won't get all the girls outside pregnant, but I doubt it since there is only a few stamen and I have been chopping them at first sight. All the other Qush 4 will be chopped as I don't want a hermie prone plant in my garden. I am pretty sure it was caused by heat stress due to these damn 90+ days. Oh well, makes the pheno selection easier and clears up some veg room 
Shots of her at day 42 in flower.

Shots of her at day 42 in flower.