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I was looking for a burden that Carter left us with. Something that would justify calling him worse than Reagan, the Bushes and Clinton. Because in my estimation, each guy left us shit that we are still dealing with making the impact of their presidencies longer than just the 8 years they served. I should probably exclude Bush Sr. because I'm not sure he left much behind either.Intelligent? That has to be the funniest thing I've ever heard. Carter was a crazy son of a bitch. He thought alien killer bunnies were out to assassinate him.He really fucked us by banning breeder reactors because they're too dangerous of a potential WMD, double
So if you believe in global warming, he caused it! It's his fault we're so reliant on fossil fuel still. You have two choices, he was either an idiot or a total asshole who was paid off by Big Oil for his own greedy self. You pick.
This breeder thing is relevant, but I don't know if stacks up to what the other guys did. It's also a complicated issue that not everyone would agree with you on. The three mile island accident probably hurt the nuclear power industry more than Carter's ban on breeder reactors.
I notice that the article you linked to was written before Fukushima. The public gets freaked out by nuclear accidents and I suspect an article like that would not go over as well if it were published today.