Club 600

Maybe they will start frying the sweet potato fries in pure bacon grease.

Lol, I was trying to think extravagant and some of the things we do with pot come to mind. Some of the hash/keif/oil/bho/bud/butter creations I've seen over the years are enough to make your head explode. Good for the heart though.

EDIT: Doob... I feel that way every time I go out to eat. I'm walking out the place thinking, "I just paid $30+ to feel like I'm sick." But every couple weeks, I think it'll be a good idea again.
Maybe they will start frying the sweet potato fries in pure bacon grease.

Doob... I feel that way every time I go out to eat. I'm walking out the place thinking, "I just paid $30+ to feel like I'm sick." But every couple weeks, I think it'll be a good idea again.

I'm glad I'm not the only one!

Oh, and my wife eats SUPER healthy, but even she succumbs to the siren call of Sweet Potato Fries once in a while. I was never into sweet potatoes, so I'm immune to their dulcet tones.
Yes Jig, it takes a while here too. We just went through it with my daughter so I'm on it this week.

QUOTE=DoobieBrother;7954394]I have to add that, while I try to eat relatively healthily, I do enjoy the taste of some of the food that's bad for us, I just try to avoid it because I know what the consequences are.
But I will indulge once in a while.
It may taste great, but it usually makes me feel like crap after it's in my belly.[/QUOTE]

My motives are a bit different. While I also think how bad it is for you, my mind I see the cost. To feed the 3 of us at McD's even is upwards of $20 while I can prep a near gourmet meal for half that, and the other half I look at as earnings for cooking it. Penny saved is a penny earned, remember? ;)
Maybe they will start frying the sweet potato fries in pure bacon grease.

This reminded me of a place we used to get fries (chips for you blokes), when I was a stoner in high school, that was right next to the video arcade (if any youngsters need me to explain just ask), It was a Chinese takeout that fried them in the same oil they fry the battered shrimp in. Couldn't get enough of them and always had to hide behind the plaza to keep my stoner buddies from finding me and tiefing them.
I'm also that way, duchie :-)
The wife says "Splurge a little once in a while! We can afford it."
And I tell her, "Yeah, but damn! That $10 meal for me could have gotten me enough REAL food to last a few days!"

We're both huge fans of Spurlock's "Supersize Me!", so all I have to do is think of him yakking out his car window to make me think twice about it and drive down to the store to get actual stuff to eat.
I don't know if I buy the time issue anymore either. Ok, if you're a busy professional and you have no time in life for anything, then go ahead an eat out. You're probably making the coin and can then probably step up a notch or two. But!....If you tell me you can't find time to cook, and then you proceed to tell me about how you fought you're arch nemesis in WOW and it took you 6 hours to do it. Or, if you can tell me about all the sitcoms you watched last night. Or, you tell me about how you went to the bar after work and closed the place...either you're lying and you can't cook, or you're a lazy ass who hasn't got their priorities straight, and the first to bitch at the high cost of living.

Wow! That felt about as good to type and it would have to spew verbally.
Oh, man!
I don't even want to think about how many hundreds of dollars in quarters & tokens I spent in arcades back then!
It was like an addiction!
Not as bad as a Pachinko parlor, but almost.

And how many buddies did you borrow from when you ran out? "Hey man, you better have my video money come Friday or I'mma coming for you!" lol
In fine form duchie. Grumpy old men indeed lol. I was sitting in an AMPM parking lot (corner store) waiting for the wife to get a bottle of water or something and noticed the advertising for their food. Then I remembered in a daze that for about a year I stopped at AmPm for lunch on the way home from university. I think I would have 2 cheeseburgers or something. Man, if fast food is bad for you, I don't know what ampm food is. Fuck, all this talk is nasty. I don't even want lunch.
And how many buddies did you borrow from when you ran out? "Hey man, you better have my video money come Friday or I'mma coming for you!" lol

Wasn't it the worst feeling when you had a left over $1 bill in your pocket, that you were maybe saving for candy or gum, and you were playing a game you really liked and were super far, then you died. You reach for another quarter as the timer counts down "30 seconds to continue...29... 28... 27" OH NO, WHERE ARE MY QUARTERS!!! The realization that the last quarter was spent hits you and the thought of changing the dollar and getting back before it runs out runs through your mind. You search frantically for friends to get another quarter only to see the timer hit 0 and the game lost.

Ah the good old days.

ps. I had to walk uphill both ways to get to the arcade.
Wasn't it the worst feeling when you had a left over $1 bill in your pocket, that you were maybe saving for candy or gum, and you were playing a game you really liked and were super far, then you died. You reach for another quarter as the timer counts down "30 seconds to continue...29... 28... 27" OH NO, WHERE ARE MY QUARTERS!!! The realization that the last quarter was spent hits you and the thought of changing the dollar and getting back before it runs out runs through your mind. You search frantically for friends to get another quarter only to see the timer hit 0 and the game lost.

Ah the good old days.

ps. I had to walk uphill both ways to get to the arcade.

And it was snowing on one side of the hill, and gale force winds on the other side, too!
And don't forget the holes in the shoes & socks, too!
Good times, good times...

(*Socks!? Pfft! We only WISHED we could afford socks! We'd find soggy paper shopping bags and fashion socks out of those so the other kids wouldn't laugh at us and throw rocks! Though we'd take the rocks and boil them in hot water for our dinner! Ahhh.... Rock Soup... we had it good...)
I always wonder about that lone & lonesome hotdog in the AMPM rotisserie, all sweaty & shriveled up, and wonder how long it had actually been going around like that. And then I'd wonder if anyone was ever desperate or stoned enough to buy it and eat it.
Yeah bro. That's me at 20. Pulling that last burger out the heated box thing, or asking for the last hot dog even if it was one of those nasty things with the cheese and jalapenos already mixed in (or whatever that nasty shit is).

Not to spoil the fun and talk about something else but DAMN!!!!! I just had the first bowl of the day, decided to break out the 'reserve stash'. Had a teeny nug left of the cougar kush our man Fmily grew. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEEEEEE. That bud has to be over a year and a half old and I am Lit like a mofo. So a big giant props out to our man Fmily.

On that subject of the weed people in the 600 grow. I've smoked 7 of yalls weed. And grew out 5 different peoples seed creations. And gotta say, we are killing it in the 600. No joke.
Oh, man, I got to pull away from the keyboard and get some dishes washed. :-(
Duty calls, but always great chatting it up with you guys, though!

(*I'm hoping I can get enough ahead on my grows to finally contribute back to others who are in need. It may not be the best, but you wouldn't know it from the guys I've shared it with up in Portland. Too many harvest too soon, or I don't know what else is going wrong with their grows. I don't think I'm doing anything different, but it always turns out to be stony stuff that others can only take a few tokes of before it fades them hard)
I couldn't make it back before the lights turned on.
Digital cameras should come with a HPS setting.


NYCD on the left, Blockhead on the right. I am on about day 29 of 12/12.


It is hard to get a good picture, my tent is wedged into my furnace room in the corner.
3x3x6.5 tent
5 gallon airpots
General Hydroponics Lucas Formula 6/9
Floralicious Plus
Bud Candy
ph up
Edit: I bottom feed.

I've never smoked Blockhead. I guess the first time will be a bit before Halloween.
I got a great NYCD clone. It should be a very grapefruity pheno.

(I just picked up a Ego-T vape pen for $30. I bought 5 cartridges for $20 each. 2-3 hits are enough so I took 15. Love this thing.)