The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
thats my foot mate!!no shit,,ive never felt apin like it,,, i may loose it yet, the photos of the stump would be funs :)


Well-Known Member
OH YOUR GOD!!! That foot still hasent got better??!!! fuck sake thats killer still! i dont know if i could look at that this long without cutting it off myself haha sorry.

thats me grossed out, i can only wonder how much weed you need to drive into yourself to relieve the pain

dave gilmour

Well-Known Member
Thats one crazy lookin map. it seems to suggest that scotland and northern ireland are the same country, and theres a country to the east of wales.


Well-Known Member
story kang, hows tricks these days....

you get your water sorted?
Allright ae! i am doing tests on the water one plant with bottle water and one with tap water after its been through the brita filter, i wont know what the score is for a while, the ec levels everyones been telling me to use is way too high i am keeping the ec below 0.4 for the first 3-4 weeks and that only takes less than 1/4 ml per liter of A&B not 1/2 or 1 ml per liter, cause they burn easy

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
are you just useing the hps now or have the led`s been broke out again?

have you noticed a major difference in them yet, between the brita and the bottled water?


Well-Known Member
They are too small yet to put under the led as its very strong light so its just under a cfl for maybe another week then ill break out the led, ive only had one feed with each water and no difference just yet

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
you should leave them under the cfl, maybe toss in another few cfl`s aswell, i can`t get over the job mine do, there a great light for veg, and they can be left within an inch of the tops so plants get all the light they can handle...

mh might get them up a little quicker but with the cfl`s there always lush green and strong as the stem gets fat from the nodes been so tight together, no need for circ fan unless a really tight space and temp is problem....


Well-Known Member
searched back and can`t find har`s original post you quoted.... seems in context, but without seeing the convo its hard to reply to!!!!!
go to page 674 bud just makin point not been smart man just think its mental postin shit to addys where grows are goin on.
you wud never know.friend of mine was caught that way wit 6 plants. he was ordering from canada but he got raided only 3 people knew 2 of those were his brothers and 1 other which was me.his waiting for a court date there classin it as 5000 euro worth. sick shit

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
go to page 674 bud just makin point not been smart man just think its mental postin shit to addys where grows are goin on.
you wud never know.friend of mine was caught that way wit 6 plants. he was ordering from canada but he got raided only 3 people knew 2 of those were his brothers and 1 other which was me.his waiting for a court date there classin it as 5000 euro worth. sick shit

5000euro, for 6 plants.... something not adding up there, even the hugh commercial grows are valued at 800 a plant, seedlings up...

sure he didn`t have a load of previous or a voilent charge or something???? lads here been caught with two three plants and got fined is all..

as for posting well... its up to the individual, i feel safe with the guys i deal with on here and both have proved themselfs to be very very trustworthy, i know it took the leap of faith initally but again you have to have faith sometimes...;)

also with the posting, if you order lights, nutes, seeds, ducting, fans etc etc, then like when you text someone, the cops have a database that certain words are flagged, you use these words your message gets flagged and someone then decides if it requires follow up (like americas war on terror) so if you ever text a lad looking for some weed or a 50 bag or any reference to drugs then they got you, same when you joined here, they got you there too, but you can`t live in fear or what if...

sending a little weed in the post to an addy is small potatoes to the higher ups... now come on here with a couple of 1000w hps and a signficant plant numbers and see how long it takes for your door to go in...

its like anything, the coppers are bang wide to who does what, you`d be a fool to think they don`t, so i`ll keep my little operation going to supply myself, if i did say sell some then i think they`d knock the door but that wouldn`t happen, i`m way too greedy with my weed hahahahahaa

and same here my friend not been smart just my opinion on it..;)

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
They are too small yet to put under the led as its very strong light so its just under a cfl for maybe another week then ill break out the led, ive only had one feed with each water and no difference just yet

whats the wattage of the cfl? 250w or something? you know they loose lumens over time, so possible replace it???? might help them along a bit quicker...;)


Well-Known Member
cool beans man.....
just be wide. and this friend just had a few traffic offences and the law are making a meal of him.they valued his operation at 800 a plant and he had a jar of green from a previous grow and a scales. so now i suppose its all down to judge who is crackin down on home grows pure shit as we all know the country the way it is in all.
i was getting mail order weed no issues from 07 to 10 never a issue and i did not give a fuck but i feel diff now cause of grow and there been nabbed a bit canada that is
my take on it is that anything over 4 and it depends on the charge officer and judge. i like to keep mine at 3/4 depending on time frame.
nice to hear ur opinons on it but if and when u hit 20 zips it will be hard to claim personal on amounts like that id say.
and by the look of ur last pics if they get hit wit a hps they will swell up....... nice job again

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
ah now its makeing more sence... dried weed and scales.... bet he broke the rules and sold some, has to be why there doing him so badly, as for the 20 oz well they`ll be at different times so won`t have 20 in a bag at one go, its a goal i set just for myself to target, with training plants etc, its like the big number of seedlings, they`ll whittle down as i go, and i hope the oppisite is true of yeild, that it will rise as i go along, the hps won`t be in until i`mm happy with the strain and quality of the clones...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
so just got there first full feed of flower nutes, and first litre aswell, alot of run-off from the hempy hole so no idea what they actually drank and used so were on our way now hahahahaha....

raised the lights a couple of inchs aswell so still growing which i don`t want, hope they stop soon but thats not going to happen, i`m not that lucky ....


Well-Known Member
something maybe for u to expermerment wit 86 read on a website last year about flower nutes and when to start given them.
on this site which i cant remember it was sayin that people give flower nutes to early in flower and to contiue wit veg nutes untill
hairs are fully shown 2/3 weeks approx depending on strain.iv tryed this and it seems to work very well 4 me.
i tryed it wit barneys vanilla kush 2 plants give 1 flower nutes and the other veg nutes after switching
i found that the one that got veg for exta 2 weeks stayed a lot greener in later weeks and yield was much better and nicer to smoke
keep it in mind man