Florida Girl
Well-Known Member
If you knew you would not get caught, would you steal someone's plants/harvest?
From a friend?
From an enemy?
NO... and NO!
I think thieves are SCUM! I've posted some pretty harsh comments about thieves here in the forums... I have nothing but disdain for thieves.
In my opinion it is ALMOST never ok to steal. I say ALMOST because I do feel the ONE exception would be in time of a catastrophic event. As an example, the people who were trapped in NOLA after Katrina that went into stores for food to feed their family. I would consider this justified and necessary for survival. The ones who came running out of Wal*Mart with big screen TVs were just lowlife scum-bags!
Other then the above example, the only time I think it's ok to take something without asking is when someone puts an item out front of their house with a big sign on it saying "FREE".