enjoying your three day weekend?

ink the world

Well-Known Member

Am I correct here in assuming this:
I can get full melt using a 25 and agitating lightly.

Thanks for the info guys


Well-Known Member
Don't agitate to abruptly that's the secret cause the plant material is very fragile at this stage
Flip bag and shake shake shake

Not pounded it
there was never a need to
Just a lot of "green" vs "gold"

If I ever did grow
I think I would try using ice water next time
just to see the difference

ink the world

Well-Known Member

I thought the number was the micron size of the mesh.

After all the hash talk I was inspired and did 3 steamrollers of the Apollo, im stupid like beenthere now.

Whoa sweet, a new scale to measure how retardedly high you are, the beenthere scale.


Well-Known Member
Pardon my pickiness, but mesh ... or micron? I ask because one is a reciprocal scale. cn

Gosh you are picky


I thought the number was the micron size of the mesh.

After all the hash talk I was inspired and did 3 steamrollers of the Apollo, im stupid like beenthere now.

Whoa sweet, a new scale to measure how retardedly high you are, the beenthere scale.
Does that mean you will make racially insesitive remarks and then claim you arent a racist?

ink the world

Well-Known Member

Gosh you are picky

Does that mean you will make racially insesitive remarks and then claim you arent a racist?
Nope, I'm only at a 7 on the beenthere scale..now, if I had a few oz. of bubble, a copy of Stormfront monthly, a case of PBR and some good ole Ted Nugent I might be able to achieve a full 10 on the beenthere scale.

Then and only then could I post incoherent racist ramblings like King Clayton himself.


New Member

I thought the number was the micron size of the mesh.

After all the hash talk I was inspired and did 3 steamrollers of the Apollo, im stupid like beenthere now.

Whoa sweet, a new scale to measure how retardedly high you are, the beenthere scale.
Now this truly demonstrates your immaturity and ignorance.
You have no clue who I am, how long I've been growing. All of this hate because I don't happen to share the same ideology as you, fucking priceless!

BTW, I never asked how to make kief or hash, I asked why some of you spend so much time making it. Valid question for adult growers!

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Now this truly demonstrates your immaturity and ignorance.
You have no clue who I am, how long I've been growing. All of this hate because I don't happen to share the same ideology as you, fucking priceless!

BTW, I never asked how to make kief or hash, I asked why some of you spend so much time making it. Valid question for adult growers!

All this "hate" is because you spew racist crap on here. Nice try making it about something else, it isn't and to anyone with a 1st grade level reading comprehension that's clear.

I couldn't care less about if you know about growing or hashmaking. I simply asked if you said you didn't like bubble. That's all nothing more, anyone can read that throughout the last few pages of this thread.

I don't care if you're a noob grower, FFS we all were noobs at some point.

I do care that you post racist shit here then get all offended when you're called out on it.


New Member

All this "hate" is because you spew racist crap on here. Nice try making it about something else, it isn't and to anyone with a 1st grade level reading comprehension that's clear.

I couldn't care less about if you know about growing or hashmaking. I simply asked if you said you didn't like bubble. That's all nothing more, anyone can read that throughout the last few pages of this thread.

I don't care if you're a noob grower, FFS we all were noobs at some point.

I do care that you post racist shit here then get all offended when you're called out on it.
Well let's settle this Ink, post up some "racist" stuff I'm guilty of!

And dude, I'm not offended by any means, just calling out BS when I see it.

ink the world

Well-Known Member

"Hey chesus, tell us what Muhammad said, perhaps it will shed some light on Obama!"

"Anyone who thinks race has nothing to do with intelligence is an idiot"

"anyone who doesn't realize blacks as a whole are athletically superior to whites is just as much an idiot."

Took me less than 2 minutes to find just these specific quotes, I'm not wasting more of my time reading through all your dribble.


Well-Known Member
beenthere believes melanin and intelligence are inversely correlated.

i'd love to hear about the science behind that.


New Member

"Hey chesus, tell us what Muhammad said, perhaps it will shed some light on Obama!"

"Anyone who thinks race has nothing to do with intelligence is an idiot"

"anyone who doesn't realize blacks as a whole are athletically superior to whites is just as much an idiot."

Took me less than 2 minutes to find just these specific quotes, I'm not wasting more of my time reading through all your dribble.
#1 Muslim is a religion not a race!

#2 It is a fact and Asian are proven to have higher IQ's, since when is expressing facts racist?????

#3 Another fact, but I suppose you count it as a racist fact?

I don't think any fair minded person in this forum would consider any of those statements racist at all. Off course you leftie buddies will lie just to stick up for you.

Dude, I don't think you've ever came across a true racist, I've got them on both sides of my family, everyone of them are the older generation and there's no changing it for them!


Well-Known Member

"Hey chesus, tell us what Muhammad said, perhaps it will shed some light on Obama!"

"Anyone who thinks race has nothing to do with intelligence is an idiot"

"anyone who doesn't realize blacks as a whole are athletically superior to whites is just as much an idiot."

Took me less than 2 minutes to find just these specific quotes, I'm not wasting more of my time reading through all your dribble.

HAHA he Made you Look!!!!!