What's For Dinner Tonight?


Ursus marijanus
Carnitas with refritos, spanish rice and sopapillas. I'm not sure on the beverage yet. I'm thinking something peachy. :p
There was this place in Mountain View that made carnitas that were sheer divine ambrosia. Can they be made at home? I'd give that a go. Ohhhh they were so good, greasy, subtly begarlicked, more tender than a mother's kiss, ~salivate~ cn


Well-Known Member
There was this place in Mountain View that made carnitas that were sheer divine ambrosia. Can they be made at home? I'd give that a go. Ohhhh they were so good, greasy, subtly begarlicked, more tender than a mother's kiss, ~salivate~ cn
Ya. I've seen it done outdoors in giant copper pots of grease. It was tempting to dive right in.
Carnitas...when done correctly, no can defense Daniel-san.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Yes they were done at home. :) We used to make our own chicharrones and chorizos too. It's sad that most of the people that made those in our family are now gone. I guess I'll have to carry on the tradition. My nephews and nieces want to know how to do all this. Maybe I'll put together a recipe book. I'll call it, "Cochino en la Cocina!"

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
You totally should carne, skills like that should be preserved I say. Wouldn't no.d a peek at your chorizo recipe. Had someone bring me back some black boar chorizo from Spain a month back. Bit chewy but the flavour was great.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
My mother's sister the last one in the family (she's 83) is coming to visit and to be here for the setting of the headstone and dedicating the grave tomorrow. She demanded that I make Navajo Tacos. So I started the beans in the crockpot tonight (old people don't need any more gas) and will make the chili, taco meat, fry-bread and salsa tomorrow. Tonight is green chili/corn/sour cream cornbread. Served with an ice cold glass of fresh dairy milk ( I love having a dairy close by) and a fresh garden salad. I'm toying with the idea of making some Calabacitas for tomorrow. We'll see.


Well-Known Member
Breakfast from the farm for dinner tonight. Eggs, bacon, hashbrowns and toast with a tall glass of milk.:-D

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Tonight is going to be a chef salad. I'm worn out from all the cooking I did while my relatives were visiting. I made a dark chocolate black forest cake so I'll nibble on a piece after a session with some Raspberry Kush and a shot or two of some Cuervo.


Well-Known Member
Oh Canna...I thought of you the other day.

I was hiking in the wilderness and I passed a guy walking with his two kids, then I headed down into a glen where there is still water in the creek. It's been really dry and hot, so most of the water sources for the animals have dried up, and I thought "Hmm, this might be an interesting place to see a mountain lion, since there aren't a lot of places they can come to drink at this part of the year"...

Then I thought about the guy with his kids, and had this daydream of the mountain lion attacking one of the chiildren. Of course the guy started screaming and waving my arms, but the cat was just standing there, looking at him with this childs skull in it's mouth. The kid is still alive, and you could tell the cat wanted to drag it's prey someplace quiet and eat it, but they were at a standoff. It wouldn't give up it's prey and retreat, but it wouldn't release it to fight either. Since I had just sorta "stumbled" upon this scene, I instantly jumped on it's back while it was distracted by the screaming father, and quickly gouged out both of it's eyeballs with my thumbs, and the cougar releases the kid, screeching, stumbling around blind...

Daydream flashes forward to a television screen, with an interview of me on camera with the Sheriff's, rescue people, and a dead mountain lion in the backround. I'm there re-telling the story, and when I get to the part about attacking the mountain lion and causing it's blindness, I break down into tears. I begin to tell the camera(mind you, in my daydream I'm seeing this as if it were on a television screen, like watching the news...lol), I tell the camera that I didn't mean to get the mountain lion killed, and I'm so sorry. And that it's not fair because he was just doing what mountain lions do, being an apex predator. And that I just reacted when I saw it trying to kill the kid, and participated in taking it's life in place. I was crying because it's not fair that these aimals are killed because we encroach into their territory, and outnumber them tens of thousands to one.

I snap back out of the daydream, almost done with my hike at this point. I started thinking "Hmm...maybe a vegan woulda let the kid die...who do I know who's a vegan? Yeah, Canna definately woulda let the kid die so the mountain lion could live...bastard!"

lol...sorry,random thought of the day. I think I have gonna go to the market and get the makings for something tasty tonight. Don't know what I'm feeling yet, but I know there's nothing to eat in my fridge/pantry at the moment...lol...Though the mention of pad thai makes me want tom yam nam khon...Kinda like a regular tom yam but with coconut milk as a finisher to help balance the chili.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
We had a wonderful thunderstorm earlier today. The air smells like sage and pine. The temps cooled down quite a bit so we got out the bbq grill and grilled some ribs, chicken and sausages with a hickory/honey bbq sauce. I grilled some corn on the cob and freshly picked asparagus. Dessert was peach cobbler with homemade vanilla ice cream. The beverage was iced herbal peach tea. We ate on the patio and watched a flock of wild turkeys go across our back yard and down to the river. I love living out in the sticks. :)


Well-Known Member
homemade tomato soup with tomatoes i grew myself, garnished with parsley and basil that i grew myself, all from seed.


Active Member
I slow roasted a whole chicken today, it literally fell apart. Add mashed potato's and some home made cream corn. The woman is across the street making rice krispie squares. When she comes back I'm gonna roll a big fattie to have with dessert.