Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

I think it takes a few days. If you think you have a problem, I would spray (and you must spray in the evening due to UV) and then again in 3-5 days. I don't have any problems so I just spray something (spinosad, bt or azamax) every 10-14 days as a preventative.
I meant they got me good

they got me good too last year....the bt works good. you just have to keep spraying the plant once or twice per week. moth eggs can take up to 2 weeks to hatch. i had it so bad that budworms were coming out as the herb was hanging up for drying.

Wow - that sucks, Dante! Did you miss the signs?

sort of...last year outdoor was my first attempt to growing and i had no clue that moths/butterflies laid eggs on plants. I was picking a shit load of catepillars off. By the time i learned about BT it was too late. I was already in late flowering. I harvested early to save as much bud as i could.

I've learned so much since then and now i've been hitting it with BT/insectical soap every week and i use a mosquito net to cover the plant. The aim of this bud war is to eliminate as many eggs b4 mid/late flowering so i cover my plant with the net in early flowering and keep up a regimen of BT and insectal soap. I hope i'll be succesfull with this...i'm really trying to stay away from spraying in late flowering. i don't want to risk mold or having BT on my flowers when i'm drying/curing.

That looks great, Dante! It's my 7th grow and I have never had them. I will spray one last time in 2 weeks and that will be it. I don't have netting but I'm watching closely for signs.
Hey everyone watch this video its an ingenious method used for many many generations and is most popular within the wooded growing areas. But any plant is subject to needing a bath.
its a crazy method but should work if your using the BT or anything. It is okay to do this but its not for the faint of heart because shit can get messey but this method is so easy even I can acomplish it. With a larger grow this may be an important step to take befor the final dry and cure. It sterilizes everything and will take all the bad crap away including pesticides or soaps. Try it and it will amaze you. It also acts a fungicide and will kill all the spores that may be in hiding. I mean who wants to smoke Powedery mildew with a side of pesticide
Didn't think I had these assholes as bad as I'm startn to find....goin on the hunt tomarrow for catterpillars and death to all butterfly s lol
Hey everyone watch this video its an ingenious method used for many many generations and is most popular within the wooded growing areas. But any plant is subject to needing a bath.
its a crazy method but should work if your using the BT or anything. It is okay to do this but its not for the faint of heart because shit can get messey but this method is so easy even I can acomplish it. With a larger grow this may be an important step to take befor the final dry and cure. It sterilizes everything and will take all the bad crap away including pesticides or soaps. Try it and it will amaze you. It also acts a fungicide and will kill all the spores that may be in hiding. I mean who wants to smoke Powedery mildew with a side of pesticide

i tried this and all my bud (350g+) becames crap. i would not recommend it....last resort definitely. Your bud will be noticeably different with less aroma.

BEWARE of this hydrogen peroxide bath as recommend by J Cervantes...if that has been successful with other growers, i would inquire on their recipe and compare to Cervantes
what color are the eggs? and are the eggs laid on the upper side of the leaf? this part confuses me a little. i also think that as bud starts to swell in weeks 3 -6 that it can start to "cover" unhatched eggs. Am I right?
right dante. i have found eggs on top of buds, inside the buds, in between pistils, over and under leaves and even right on the stems. the eggs ive seen are very small, like the size of a salt or sugar grain.. maybe the tiniest bit bigger. white to a dull yellow in color