Fucking Animals!!! Dont use fish hydrolysate outdoors!!!


Bastards!!! I have had excellent luck with fish hydrolysate in tea, but dont use it directly in your soil. I had a slight N deficiency in flowering so i wated to use just a tad bit as to not stunt flower production. I should have known something was up when yellowjackets almost instantly started attacking my hands when I was feeding. I come out this morning and some raccoon fuck dug about a 1ft circle around my plant. Luckily only a small branch broke off but the roots are probably fucked. And there is a ton of dirt all over my buds. I was going to harvest this week too! Im gunna kill that fucker. Dabbing the end of the barrel of my 338 Lapua should do the trick...



New Member
Nice google image picture.

If you do decide to buy a firearm to rid the pests choose a 100 dollar .22 with a 30 dollar scope and not a 4,000 dollar .338 with a 2,000 dollar scope.


Well-Known Member
i hate that for u man good thing you were close to harvest so there relly isnt much growth to lose :) u dont have to kill him though there are other ways to get rid of pest :p more humanly :)


Nice google image picture.

If you do decide to buy a firearm to rid the pests choose a 100 dollar .22 with a 30 dollar scope and not a 4,000 dollar .338 with a 2,000 dollar scope.
Why thank you sir. Because we all know how stupid it would be to post a registered weapon on an open forum such as RIU


And please dont tell me how to spend my money. what i spend my money on is my business. i have had my lapua for years and i dont waste 300 grain bullets on neighborhood critters unless i want a hefty jail sentence. im not actually going to camp out and blast animals, im just pissed off...it was my fault plain and simple.

the reason i posted was to help others out, not to get feedback from trolls-

so if anyone wants advice, please dont make the same mistake i did- only use fish hydrolysate in compost tea until it has no odor
/end thread