Hey all
I'm baack with an update.
1st off I wonder if some one could answer a question for me.
I have been wondering about the water temp for the tea's.I am in my witer months and the water from the tap is coming out about 56 df and if I leave it out even for 24 or more hours it doesn't get any warmer than 58 df and that seems pretty cold to me for the beasties to thrive in.I piced up a very small aqaurium heater and the temp is preset to 76 df and was wondering if thats to warm for them.I wouldn't want to cook them.
Any thoughts or comments appreciated
Ok,on with the up-date
I am now on week 6 for 3 of the Oregon Blues
I have mixed up a batch of the "Finishing Tea" and it goes some thing like this
Finishing Tea : to be used 2-3 weeks before harvest
1 cup earthworm castings
1/4 cup Big Bloom liquid
1 tsp kelp
1 tsp molasses
bubble for 24-48 hours
Ok so here we have O.B. #1
She's a lovely Lavender pheno .
She smells of Lavenders and Skunk.There's also this fruity under tone that sort of reminds me of Juicy fruit gum and yet she also has this Spicy scent that hits you like an after thought.
She's quit resinous too

I think 70-72 would be ideal.I tried a heating mat for a cloning tray but it put the temp at 78 df and I think thats way to warm for the beasties to survive in not to mention waterin g the plants with water that warm I think the plants wouldn't like it either.
Ok so here is O. B. # 2
She's a green pheno and her flowers resemble more of the block head style of bud.I also believe she is frostier than #1 and #3 but you can descide for your selves.
This gal smells more fruity skunky and spicy to me.
She is also strarting to show me her fall colors as she's nearing the ripening fase.I'll be giving these 3 plants there finishing tea tomorrow and from there on it'll be plain water till harvest

Ok,here we hav pheno #3
She is another Lavender girl but with one exception.She is throwing out nanner's.To bad cause she is quite lovely to look at.
I spent some time with her after the photo shoot picing the nanners off with tweazers.I think I got the majority of them
(fingers crossed). I will continue to keep my eyes on all of them just in case.I'm hoping I can let them go for the remaining couple of weeks but if I continue to be pulling nanners off the I may be forsed to remove her early.
