Stick around, please? RIU needs you! I've missed your posts. cn

I'm not gone for good, my lovely old bear. I just moved and have to wait until the middle of next week to get my internet hooked up so I just check RIU when I can. You know I can't stay away from my bear too long...
me&brig.jpgme&hans.jpg I'm not the blond. they small crappy cell phone camera.
Waz rollin in 1st pic.
P.S Glad 2 c u back skittlz, oops I mean Rainbow.

One of Kurois shots. I;d like to say this is just me having fun but nope, i dress smart, always have, that kinda upbringing. Even spent 4 hours a couple of days ago trying on every hat in town trying to find a suitable panama :D
Fuck me? :sad:

To that, I reply...


i love that song glad it blew up big in western areas, only thing is they just copied the movies from the oringal video...but still looks good
Fuck me? :sad:

To that, I reply...

You remember those awkward erections we used to get in high school? Like, we'd just be sitting in class, minding our own business, when all of the sudden, HELLO! And then it wouldn't go away and you'd have to try and hide it by holding your books in front of your crotch when you walked down the hallway?

Well I didn't get one of those from watching this video.
Times like this I'm glad I don't have a dick ^^

I might be needing a towel though...

Yeah, when it gets to 5 am I start thinking out loud 0_o

Damn Korean, i don't understand either but they are cute...
Lolz Kuroi ur awesome Triple H(lolz I mean T) is a lucky guy, and if u liked my ex's pic she still lives in cali, and I'm sure she still has the GNR panties. She probably added some Bad Religion or Beatles panties to the mix, perhaps some Metallica too.

P.S Which is ur fave, I'm kinda leaning towards the one in the yellow skirt.
Aww, thanks... I'll remind him how lucky he is X3

Cali is a bit far for me though lol, too bad you couldnt consentingly add her panty collection to Lace and Frills...I like the girl in the yellow skirt best too, though the girl in turquoise shorts is the strongest dancer and has the best leg lines.
Times like this I'm glad I don't have a dick ^^

I might be needing a towel though...

Yeah, when it gets to 5 am I start thinking out loud 0_o

Damn Korean, i don't understand either but they are cute...

I can name way more reasons to rather have a dick over a pussy lol, at least with boners you can put it inside your wait ban, what do you do with a camel toe?
IDK bout that, although I do enjoy having a dick I think having a pussy offers way more free shit, its kinda like a credit card, shit don't have cash well just bust out the Pussy Xpress Card never leave home without it. And like when I was in HS and a chick wanted to fuck with me and would sit on my lap and grind her ass against my dick till it was nice and hard then left me with blue balls, hurt like a motherfucker. But if I was a chick there would be no way to tell I was gettin all hot and bothered by that nice ass on my johnson.
IDK bout that, although I do enjoy having a dick I think having a pussy offers way more free shit, its kinda like a credit card, shit don't have cash well just bust out the Pussy Xpress Card never leave home without it. And like when I was in HS and a chick wanted to fuck with me and would sit on my lap and grind her ass against my dick till it was nice and hard then left me with blue balls, hurt like a motherfucker. But if I was a chick there would be no way to tell I was gettin all hot and bothered by that nice ass on my johnson.

Not true. I could never get any when I actually wanted it and sure as hell couldn't/wouldn't use my ladygarden to acquire material posessions. Nowadays I am lucky enough to be offered lovely food and little gifts here an there ^^ But not because vajuji is used like currency... What, are all girls prostitutes?

And there are many ways it can be very apparent a girl is getting all hot and bothered, My old crush of three years was a cruel one; he'd pretend to come on to me or flirt with me until I think I'm going to explode then just laugh at me... And if you're white you'l probably be flushed too... Ah, erect nipples are like a boner. Though you should be wearing a proper bra and a t-shirt that isn't a micron thick to avoid that sort of thing. I think if you see it a girl did it to get your attention... I couldn't do that shit...

I can name way more reasons to rather have a dick over a pussy lol, at least with boners you can put it inside your wait ban, what do you do with a camel toe?
Lol I don't wear anything in public that would cause/show camel toe... Wear some pants that fucking fit!!!

No I wasn't calling all chicks prostitutes I was more talkin bout myself if I was who I am now just a chick not a dude I would probably be considered a huge slut or sumptin but that is probably more because of a double standard than anything else. And I know its not impossible to know if a chick is getting excited but it is alot easier and apparent when a guy is. And I think it would take a chick with a very aggressive and assertive personality to get away with it, and not that its a bad thing but Kuroi u strike me as someone who is more on the quite side and sort of passive. That and I think u would probably rather work and buy it for urself than just have someone give u everything.
Lol it is a double standard.. If a woman acted like your average man she would be a ho-slut-jezebel ho. I know not all men are like that, but what is considered normal, 'macho' or acceptable for a man.. If he is forward and has sex with lots of women, he's a player. Wow. I think I worked it out. Alot of men like having sex with hos because they think alike, but they wouldn't marry them, and the normal real girls are women and women think differently and are confusing to men because they are different... so they don't want to fuck them or have a relationship... Have I got it? Lol Ok, nice guys feel free to correct me lol

2:00 onwards says it all..


I can be very forward when so impassioned on certain topics, or depending on my mood I can be very quiet. I am a pleaser, often very submissive. I can put myself into the hands of the wrong people sometimes who exploit this.

But I sure am glad I'm now in the hands of the right one..
i've dated girls short term because their stance on sex/relationships differed from mine. They were good girls and, in retrospect, had every intention of wanting sex ONCE THE RELATIONSHIP WAS ESTABLISHED and they could see "us" going somewhere. One girl I was getting hot n heavy with in the back seat of my car, she was stroking me, I was rubbin through her pants and went for her button and she stopped me.

At this point ALL that goes through a guy's head is "defeat. she doesn't want me. fuck why did i even try...ugh what now? ARGGHHHH"

we stopped making out and everything soon after and just sat there, talking. Then she started throwing all these questions at me..."so are you going to come visit me at school? my parents said they want to meet you! blah blah blah" I'm thinkin..."am i gonna GET SOME at school? u told your PARENTS about me? WTF?! idk whether i'm weirded out or flattered"

I really didn't know what the fuck to say at this point though, because I had already processed "rejection" in my head.

This same scenario occurred MULTIPLE times with this particular girl over the next few months. Make out, things progress, i can feel her pussy wetness leaking through her jeans...and then she stops me...and then starts a conversation where she wants to know every little detail about how much i care/want her to be my gf

The funny thing is, we probably stopped seeing each other because, in the end, we both felt rejected

men and women have different needs AND similar needs...but I've found that the differences in needs can affect our emotions and whether or not we feel desired
OMG you silly man ^^

Aw... but that's kind of cute.

She said all that because yeah, she was serious about and really wants you. She's just made it clear that when you're together it will be you and only you she is sexing. A girl needs to know you're serious, because i can say from experience that girls who worry about being rejected/making you feel rejected put out then get kicked to the curb. He doesn't call back, they feel like a slut/people call them a slut because they wanted a relationship but the guy just wanted sex. That risk that you give something up easy and then they walk away with a piece of you.

I think the girls you were with were a breath of fresh air,because i wish I never let alot of guys take from me then piss off and not answer my calls. That girl was basically saying 'I think you're really awesome and worth me taking a big leap of faith, so I want to be yours for a long time and have sex with you for many months/years to come... I like you long-term'

I feel terrible for you that you felt rejected, because you're a really sweet, funny guy. Like I said when I wanted, I got to fuck off and that rejection hurts. What, I am not even worth screwing?? But the bottom line according to society is if a guy just says yes it's all fine. If a guy says no, the chick must be ugly. And if a girl just says yes, she's a ho.

Rest assured, it was nothing wrong with you except maybe being a little eager lol. You think you got teased? I wanted the guy I was talking about in my last post for 3 AND A HALF YEARS. Lol