The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
i keep meaning to get back into training, and as im goin to be sat in classes full of pretty young things i really should shift the beer gut, but im just too fuckin lazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
i like growing i hate smoking. i prefer to be coked up and booze fueled , i find it suits my deep seated anger streak. my previous convictions most surely testify to this.


Well-Known Member
emotions TT?? according to jermey kyle thos of us who smoke weed are granny robbing,burgling,,kid raping wronguns!! no shit! meidcaly smoke or not

i like growing i hate smoking. i prefer to be coked up and booze fueled , i find it suits my deep seated anger streak. my previous convictions most surely testify to this.
u druggy!


Well-Known Member
Fucking hate weed growers who try and tell me how to do things and Im doing this and that wrong. Fuck off

Got cases of real Glens vodka 140 a case 12 litre bottles. Straight fae Catrine distillery. Near u Dura


Well-Known Member
I've never seen the point in going to the gym myself, i mean why would i, i am unable to put on weight, but damn, at least you eat a balanced diet while you do it :) My mate, he's just decided to get back into the gym, so basically, you all know of him through various stories, but he is full blown retarded, don't think he's been cheked but i reckon a doctor would agree with me, he figures that if he needs to be working out and such, he'll eat NOTHING but eggs and rice and protein shakes. I'm no nutritional expert, but no matter what you are trying to achieve it still seems reasonable to assume you need to maintain a balanced diet even if you are packing more carbs in or whatnot, seems to me like the opposit but same of going on a diet to lose weight and thinking right, in that case i'll just eat newspaper.
Before i joined RIU i used to run one of the more successful body building forums on the interweb and believe me ive met alot of people like your friend lol ....
when i was late teens early 20's i trained to be a personal trainer and like ive said before tip im like you , i have the metabolism of a whippet , but that works to my advantage when i train i can eat ALOT and not get fat , i also know what type of training to do to suit by body type and get the most out of what i do , so there is a point in even folks like us hitting the weights lol ....

my downfall has to be complacency though , i get to a stage im happy then i just smoke weed more instead of training and i loose all ive achieved lol .... oh well ...


Well-Known Member
Fucking hate weed growers who try and tell me how to do things and Im doing this and that wrong. Fuck off

Got cases of real Glens vodka 140 a case 12 litre bottles. Straight fae Catrine distillery. Near u Dura
or the one who dont grow thinking u dont know what the fuk your doing!!! i hate that

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
man wot i miss? haha always wakes up wen i go from here. no i should take the hint but fuck it.
to b fair i wood love four oz a plant sambo so i cant talk. im all about the high and all round pleasant effects i.e munchys,smel,taste,pain relieve and how much the smell pisses off the mrs, and all that really not the profit.
we all different but my only real point is wen i was a neeb here i wood read bout clone onlys here and iwood built them up in my head to b some super weeds, one toke and u age 30 years sort off shit , wen in fact they aint. they r dam tasty but still better is out there.
i love the smack talk sambo its like a bad ufc chael sonnen interview or something haha


Well-Known Member
on my cock ? lol
lier! i bet u shave your chest to,,and "bust out" showing of your old man yolks in the local park on a hot day

Ill give ya knob head if ya fuck with me mail again lol ya fuckin mongolian cripple
nobbed and LOL my ulcers can heal YOU'LL ALWAYS BE GINGER,,,soz caps stuck on ther

that last post i wrote could been written by ic3. man im getting worse with age.
shurrup fuktard!!:P lol

Its 139.99 plus vat in the cash n carrys and thats on special
so grafteds a third of rrp innit?

WELL WELL seems ic3 can use multiquote


Well-Known Member
i know the factory bill, i know a few folk that work in it. i remember gettin sum shit that'd been smuggled out the place before the tax man had got near it, it was crazy shit like 150 proof, pure brain fuckin damage.


Well-Known Member
i know the factory bill, i know a few folk that work in it. i remember gettin sum shit that'd been smuggled out the place before the tax man had got near it, it was crazy shit like 150 proof, pure brain fuckin damage.
the kind of shit that makes you neck valium and crash ya car ... pmsl