Random Jibber Jabber Thread

I'm stuck working the office by myself today. And it's raining. So not many customers to help pass the time. Pretty bored. I wonder which of these chemicals will react with one another and make a violent explosion...
I'm stuck working the office by myself today. And it's raining. So not many customers to help pass the time. Pretty bored. I wonder which of these chemicals will react with one another and make a violent explosion...

Provide the list. I can consult. cn

Provide the list. I can consult. cn


Calcium Hypochlorite
Sodium Dichlor
Soda Ash
Sodium Bisulfate
Sodium Bicarbonate
Calcium Chloride
Cyanuric Acid
Copper Sulfate Pentahydrate
Sodium Bromide

There's a list of everything in sight. What you got mad scientist?
Oh my. Pool chemicals.

You might try mixing dry sodium bromide with an equal amount (approx.) of copper sulfate. You should get a lovely inorganic rendering of poo.

Alternatively, bisulfate in water, bicarbonate in some sort of open container. place the two in a used juice bottle. Tighten cap. Invert. Run. Giggle. Keep a pellet gun at hand to deal with "unexploded ordnance". cn
It seems to me that you'd get more, and more varied, advice posting the question in one of the for-real fora. Since I used GH nutes, I can't comment. cn

GH nutes?

And about posting here, I've tried asking question in the other sections of RIU, but got little to no replies. More traffic more answers.. My logic.
GH = General Hydroponics. i used the Flora Series. Afaik Fox farm nutes are good. A friend went from GH to Dyna Gro ... they work and are convenient. They're nicer than some of the companies that sell 20 different potions in bottles with showy graphic design. Jmo. cn
Oh my. Pool chemicals.

You might try mixing dry sodium bromide with an equal amount (approx.) of copper sulfate. You should get a lovely inorganic rendering of poo.

Alternatively, bisulfate in water, bicarbonate in some sort of open container. place the two in a used juice bottle. Tighten cap. Invert. Run. Giggle. Keep a pellet gun at hand to deal with "unexploded ordnance". cn

Nice. Inorganic rendering of poo. As in a noxious odor/gas? I've done the different chlorines and water before which makes a pretty deadly gas. And under pressure an underwhelming explosion.
Nice. Inorganic rendering of poo. As in a noxious odor/gas? I've done the different chlorines and water before which makes a pretty deadly gas. And under pressure an underwhelming explosion.

The color is this ... runny brown.
Bromine IS generated, so don't do indoors or around anything prone to rust. Halogens plus steel of any sort = bad. My dad may or may not have forgiven me by now ... cn
I just use Big Bloom, Budswel, Root Drench, Microbrew, Liquid Karma or ( Floralicious Plus), Great White, Mendocino honey or Hi Brix and bubble bubble bubble.

Holy shit bro lol. Probably just stick with the FF series for now until I get a little more experience. Thanks for the help though, + rep.
Haha, it's not that bad. I bubble up once a week and the rest of the waterings I use General Organic's CAMG because I use R/O (reverse osmosis) water.
random jibber jabber: i was just on 4chan and came across some pictures of a lady who looks quite a lot like rainbow brite.

i'm wondering if i should be sharing this.
So you use these nutes here? http://www.amazon.com/General-Hydroponics-Flora-Series-FloraBloom/dp/B0024NDVRA

Sorry for all the questions neer, but does indoor or outdoor matter when choosing nutes? I'm planning out my next season outdoor grow, so I'm trying to find the proper nutes. Gonna do some research on the flora nutes now. Hmmm

why don't you just mix up some of that super soil that everyone is using for outdoor growing? The recipe is all over the internet and everyone that uses it, swears by it.
