Club 600

Another quick photo update:
10 days of 12/12 lighting
(*JDB Romulan x3, and MTF x1)
(**Extrema seedlings x13 being run @ 12/12 to check gender for culling of males)








Hope everyone is having a good morning/evening!
looking good doobie.

heres mines at the end of week 6 small mag def. the learning curve with coco is a treacherous one.

Have a good weekend everyone!
Whats up everyone? New to the 600watt and Have not been on rollitup in awhile but I have been growing with CFLs but I just ordered me a 600watt Quantum dimmable digital ballast with a hydrofarm radiant 6 reflector and a lumateck 600w HPS and a Digilux MH. Also got a Secret Jardin Darkroom II, can't wait to have it up and running, Happy Bday to me! Going to growing some Barneys Farm LSD and Liberty Haze as the 1st crop! Yum:bigjoint:
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Whats up everyone? New to the 600watt and Have not been on rollitup in awhile but I have been growing with CFLs but I just ordered me a 600watt Quantum dimmable digital ballast with a hydrofarm radiant 6 reflector and a lumateck 600w HPS and a Digilux MH. Also got a Secret Jardin Darkroom II, can't wait to have it up and running, Happy Bday to me! Going to growing some Barneys Farm LSD and Liberty Haze as the 1st crop! Yum:bigjoint:

I'm not using it right now but I also have a Radiant 6 and they're great reflectors. Very even light spread as they come and with a diffuser, 0 hot spots as best as I could tell. I kept it pretty close to the plants and whatever was centered directly under the reflector would get some bleaching until I put one of those diffusers in it. It's my personal favorite of the ones I've had with or without the diffuser though. Nice choice brutha :)
Thanks! Yeah I think I'm gonna be happy with it, it took me like 2 weeks to decide on a reflector/ballast combo. but the radiant series reflectors seem to be some of the best around plus I noticed that some other reflectors do not say u can use 600w MH in them for some reason? but the radiant series specifies that u can:clap:
Thanks for the link to that interview!
A great read!
While I've played bass for the last 30 years, my hands have been failing me more and more (fingers, actually), which sucks as I've made a lot of progress in the last 5 months about getting my skill level back up to where it was 20 years ago.
Not sure if I'll be able to get whatever is ailing my digits sorted out, so lately I've been thinking more and more about getting into my secret love: drumming.
Something like an Alesis DM10 and a pair of Roland Octapads, all running through Ableton Suite.
Had dabbled in the skins long before I picked up the bass as "my instrument" (thanks, Geddy!), but had always wistfully wished I'd stayed with drums.
But acoustic drums are too noisy unless one has a proper place to practice (no apartment neighbors), so I never indulged.
But electronic drums have come a long ways, and with a good set of headphones, I think I could make it work even in an apartment.
And have been finally writing lyrics that I shied away from for years.
Nothing magnanimous, just trying to get the words flowing without seeming too trite or contrived.
To me, writing is much more difficult (not to write, but to put it out for others to read), as it really puts me out there for scrutiny that I'm not sure I'm ready for.
And I know my prose is lacking, etc., and all the insecurities involved with something so personal.
But I always do things when it's time to do them, so who knows?

I started playing drums in music class and played them through marching band. Took lessons from this dude names Larry Ochiltree, pretty famous dude, along the likes of Neil Pert.. Had a nice 5 piece kit and when I was 16 they were stolen.. Then I switched to guitar and never looked back.. I can still play a mean beat though.

You know the the only thing you'll never hear a drummer say ever right? "Hey guys, lets play the song I wrote!" :)
I guess you guys have about 1 hour 40 mins left to get your entries in, lol.

Jig, you can have a 3 month extension no worries, I'll keep back a special prize for you as well. I think I have a nice pot of tartan paint somewhere...
Do any of you guys know of a camera I can set-up inside my flower tent?, I want to do a time-lapse from start to finish. Something I can leave in the same spot.




A webcam might be an idea, I am sure there are pricey bits of kit out there as well. I done one and it was a ballache. I didn't leave the camera set up, I just took a pic every day. Then I had to photoshop everything to the same size, turn all the shots to the right angle...snore of snores. Alternatively, get a tripod, set it up, mark spots on the floor where you are taking the pic, and shoot every day. At least you can put the tripod back on the spot each time to get the same angled pic (angle can change everything in your pic.)

Sorry I couldn't be more specific.
nice grow. i think they need some water. :)

is that a C02 bag?
Ha yea they where a bit thirsty I had just finished changing the Res..
yea that's a co2 bag.
My honest opinion on these suckers is shockingly great and worth the $20 every 6 months.
I won't mind buying a new bag every 6 months. There is of course mixed reviews but I live by the try it your self Motto before judging.
I mean it's only $20 bucks
I started playing drums in music class and played them through marching band. Took lessons from this dude names Larry Ochiltree, pretty famous dude, along the likes of Neil Pert.. Had a nice 5 piece kit and when I was 16 they were stolen.. Then I switched to guitar and never looked back.. I can still play a mean beat though.

You know the the only thing you'll never hear a drummer say ever right? "Hey guys, lets play the song I wrote!" :)

If you mean by "song I wrote" to mean writing all of the parts of the song, well of course not.
But I have to admit it's rare for a drummer to be the writer, or co-writer, but definitely not unheard of.
Tito Puente is one who comes to mind, Neil Peart, Gil Moore, Don Henley, Ringo Starr, Dave Grohl, Mike Portnoy, and the list goes on.
While they might not write any of the melodes or basslines, most guitarists/writers and bassist/writers don't write the drummer's parts either.
Often the most you'll get is some bad air drums while they try (and fail) to explain what they think would be cool to go with the melody & bass lines: "And in this part how about some dugga-dugga-dugga with the kicks and some kind of snare work, and then run down the toms with a "budda-budda-budda-budda-budda-budda" with a crash at the end of it. Just a cool fill, you know?"
Almost everyone can "scat" out a guitar riff and make sense of it so that a good guitarist can replicate it, but so few can do more than give the most basic approximation of the drummers part because of the sheer speed and complexity of the notes & tonal ranges being played in succession.
Every musician in a group has their strong points, but writing/composing/arranging isn't mutually exclusive to one instrument.
While funny (up to a point. Much like "Blond" jokes: after a few of those they all start sounding more like "Dead Baby" jokes, and it just stops being funny & cute), stuff like:

1. How do you get a guitarist to change chords?
You smack the bottom of his guitar

2. How do you know when a drummer is knocking on your door?
When the knocks start slowing down

3. Why don't you let the drummer count off?
You want to get paid tonight?

4. How do you know when your singer is at your door?
They can't find the key, and they don't know when to come in

5. How do you get a guitarist to stop playing?
Put some sheet music in front of them

How many bassists does it take to change a light bulb?

None. They depend on the keyboardist to do it with his left hand.


One but the guitarist has to show him first.

It's all about as funny as a leper in a sandpaper factory.
But that's just me.
I'm more into "sly" puns & plays on words, rather than making like Don Rickles and trying to tear someone down.
Though I am good at the Don Rickles thing. ;-)
When you're in charge of 20 to 40 Pvt's, Corporals and Specialists, sometimes you have to drop the hammer, and you better have an unending string of "motivational" phrases and "poignant" questions to get their heads and asses wired together.
But that's only because lives are on the line.
I had to water it down in civilian life, because they're what most would call "fightin' words". ;-)
I even have my wife repeating some of my stuff when she's getting upset.
One of my favorites, which is one of my final, and subtle, warnings to someone who isn't performing is, "Alright: no fucking around now. Let's get this shit done, and get it done right."
Which is cute, coming from her, as she's all of 4'11" tall.
My final warning is a very calm: "You're starting to piss me off.", while forcing direct eye contact.
From there, it's all down hill for them if they don't get their shit together.
After that, I go into Drill Sergeant Mode until they comply, breakdown, or take an unfortunate swing at me. ;-)
Those were the days...
Thank FSM they're behind me. :-)