
Well-Known Member
dankdalia's "is that really me in my avatar thread" is about as big as this one...thiat just goes to show how many lonely guys are on this site


Well-Known Member
lol, but dank dalia really IS hot.

DUDE, I totally missed GK. I hardly ever get a chance to bask in the glory of his presence, and once again, I've missed out....too bad, so sad.


Well-Known Member
Have you ever met that fortune teller in venice who also does balloon animals? lol, she's the shit. I was getting my niece and little brother balloon creations and she kept trying to lure me into a reading....

Dalia, I want to know what you were going to say about Jesus!

i just love jesus!! he's a cool man. i'm just a strong believer of god and jesus being the messiah.

it actually has a lot to do with what hom36rown was talking about...the Illuminati.... but i really don't like stirring people up with this stuff...because honestly knowing the truth has changed my whole perspective on things...and i kinda wish i never knew what i knew.

also...fuck a mason...yeah i said it. <3


Well-Known Member
Well I dunno if I'm big on religion, but I definately believe in God and Jesus. lol, I just have a few bones to pick with the Church, and organized religion in general.


Well-Known Member
As long as you're here fdd, I'm sure the thread will grow in no time. I told you, you're like Jesus. People will gather from far and wide just to be in the same thread as you. I just want to see you part the sea....