My dad and me!


So me and my dad both toke, and we both know we do. We always joke about getting high together, but we have never actually done it. I though that maybe it would happen soon but i fucked up this summer. I got kicked out of a camp I work at for blazing with my co-counslers. So now our relationship is a little fucked up. I really wanna blaze with him, but now i dont think he will. How can i make this happen?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
So me and my dad both toke, and we both know we do. We always joke about getting high together, but we have never actually done it. I though that maybe it would happen soon but i fucked up this summer. I got kicked out of a camp I work at for blazing with my co-counslers. So now our relationship is a little fucked up. I really wanna blaze with him, but now i dont think he will. How can i make this happen?
I doubt if he's upset about the weed. I think his disappointment comes from your lack of good judgment. I hope this wasn't a camp for kids. You had two good choices and you made the one bad one. You could have either opted for a T-break until camp was over or not taken the job thus sparing you the grief you are going through now. You should have thought about the consequences of your actions. Oh well, hindsight is ever 50/50. Live and learn. What your dad needs is time. Prove that you're responsible and can make good decisions and maybe JUST maybe he'll toke with you.


Wait until the short term memory gives out and he forgets this shit ever happened.


Well-Known Member
This could be a good opportunity to get the chance to... Say, dad lets talk about what happened this summer. Then go outside and start talking about it, but light one up right as you start.


Ursus marijanus
This could be a good opportunity to get the chance to... Say, dad lets talk about what happened this summer. Then go outside and start talking about it, but light one up right as you start.
As a dad myself ... I would be seriously pissed if my kid did that. As Carne pointed out, impulse control and judgment are probably at the root of Dad's displeasure. Lighting one up in front of me, without prior approval? I would interpret that as clear indication of a bad attitude. cn


Well-Known Member
If your relationship with your dad is one of mutual respect then I would suggest that you expose the elephant in the room as it were, and let the chips fall where they may. Inform him that you feel like you've let him down {and yourself} and it's hurt your relationship...putting a doubt in his mind of how you can be responsible. If you've joked around in the past about getting high and dad seems to be ok with Don't push the point, allow life to work, allow experience to teach and then when the time is right it'll happen.
Patience is key
Be glad you're not having to hide the fact that you and Dad smoke weed, but be cautious, not everyone would approve.....think about what your dad is having to deal with. Not only does he have to be concerned about his habit but now his son follows in his footsteps, the stigma of being a toker is hard enough to deal with in certain adult situations, let alone one where the child is involved.


Well-Known Member
If you havn't already, then apologize and admit to your impulse and poor judgement and tell him you'll use it as a learning experience. Carne hit the nail on the head. Make sure you tell him you used poor judgement. It's hard for sons to apologize to their fathers at a certain age. You think you deserve more respect than you usually do. Remember pops was a young man once that looked at you and dreamed of your future accomplishments, they are usually grandious in scope when you're raising a small child at the time. Good Luck, give it time.


Well-Known Member
I just waited until me and my dad where down at the river fishing one day.. sparked one up and handed it to him.... he went up to bed 20 mins later LOL


Well-Known Member
I was 18 and went to breakfast one morning with my dad, we took a drive further into the country after our eggs and he packed one like he always did when he got to his favorite pull off by a stream. Then he said "I know you've been pinching my bags for awhile now, may as well smoke some with you" he took a hit and passed it. I was nervous but took a hit and we drove around after talking and laughing for for about an hour and a half...